Program listing

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Calendar View or list for Feb 25 | Mar 25 | Apr 25 | May 25 | Jun 25 | and beyond.
Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

15-17 Sep, Fri (13:00PM)-Sun (14:00PM) The Castle and beyond
Grade:5/6 Length 13km  1,050m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longCamp | An activity that involves an overnight stay, usually in a tent.Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) This is a weekend spent in the beautiful and entrancing Morton National Park with the main aim being to climb the imposing Castle, probably Mortons most famous and challenging peak! From the comfort of our bush abode, almost at the base of the mountain we will follow the steep tracks up to Castle Gap and then via precipitous means climb up onto the Castle for superlative views in all directions! On the Sunday I'll do an easier coastal walk or perhaps the easy ascent up to Pigeon House, to be decided! Steep tracks with some rope assistance on the ascent.
Location: Morton NP
Map: Corang 89273N View

16 Sep, Sat 8:00AM Jurassic Gorge
Grade:5/6 Length 13km Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longThis unique area, part of the Gardens of Stone region, has an active coal mine underneath it. Find out why it must be better protected for future generations. Park near Airly Mountain and walk up to the plateau. Walk on the loop access trail and visit Mine in the Sky. Continue to spot height 1031 m, visiting Ladders Defile on the way. Next, visit pagoda lookouts to the east before descending into Jurassic Gorge. Walk down to an area known as Jurassic Park, eventually linking with Genowlan Mountain Trail at about GR 257 331. On the way back, visit The Grotto and, if time permits, Ultimate Slot. Scrambling and exposure. About 13 km.
Location: Mugii Murum-ban SCA
Map: Glen Alice 89314N View

17 Sep, Sun 9:10AM Cape Solander to Cronulla
Grade:2/6 Length 26km  350m Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Updated Details) Moderately challenging with rock hopping, rocky headlands, bush tracks, beaches & sand dunes. We start from the Kurnell Visitor Centre & a eucalyptus forest, then navigate through various & changing terrains from dry heathland to lush dune scrubs. With spring wildflowers in full bloom- a delight for bird lovers. And for whale watching. Bring your costume to cool off. Sun exposure.
Location: Kamay Botany Bay National Park Limit: 20. View

17 Sep, Sun 8:00AM Yalwal
Grade:3/6 Length 12km Milton Branch
Herbert F.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longTwo walks (Walk distance: 6 + 6 km) in Yalwal Reserve. Parking area near cemetery GR 612315. First walk to “Yalwal” view point on ridge above Danjerra Dam for morning tea.... steep (260 m up) but all on fire trails. The second, with lunch along the way, is a bit flatter and explores old mine workings (bring a torch). Some easy off-track in this one. Do either or both.  
Map: Yalwal 89282S Limit: 16. View

18 Sep, Mon 9:00AM Curra Moors
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  150m Southern Sydney Branch
Brian E.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFirst time friendly | A trip that is perfect for most new members (assuming you have a reasonable level of fitness)Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Delightful moors walking at this time of the year. Chances of birds, high; chances of flowers, guaranteed!
Location: Royal National Park
Map: Port Hacking 91294N Limit: 12. View

18 Sep, Mon 9:00AM Jibbon Head
Grade:3/6 Length 6km  100m Southern Sydney Branch
Brian E.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.A meander around the coast, including some explorations beyond the normal loop. Soft sands, cliff edges and rocky sections
Location: Royal National Park
Map: Port Hacking 91294N Limit: 12. View

18 Sep, Mon 9:20AM Taronga Zoo to Milsons Point
Grade:2/6 Length 10km Sydney Branch
Roslyn B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Foreshore walk mainly on paths and streets from Taronga Zoo Wharf, through Mosman, Cremorne, Kirribilli and Lavender Bay to Wendy's Secret Garden then on to Milsons Point Station. Option to continue over the Harbour Bridge to Circular Quay. Some steps and climbs. View

18 Sep, Mon 9:12AM Wentworth Falls to Bullaburra
Grade:3/6 Length 11km  400m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPlease provide your mobile, emergency mobile and NPA#s. New walkers state your previous walking experience. Walk to Water Nymphs Dell. Then a section of Bruces Walk to Bullaburra. Slippery, wet.
Location: Wentworth Falls Limit: 15. View

19 Sep, Tue 9:30AM Ahearn’s Lookout (#210)
Fully inside Wingecarribee Shire Council
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  350m Southern Highlands Branch
Ian G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Fully Booked) Ahearn's lookout is found by following the beginning of Starlight's Track.  Take a left fork leading to Rocky Waterholes Lookout and just past this junction look for a right turn which meanders along the ridge to Ahearn's lookout.  This gives views over the Nattai with Mt Jellore easily identified.  Return by the same route. Hazards: Rough track, fallen trees and unfenced cliffs.
Location: Nattai NP (Hilltop)
Map: Hilltop 8929-2N Limit: 20. View

19 Sep, Tue 8:30AM Tianjara Mountainbike Adventure
Grade:4/6 Length 35km Milton Branch
Herbert F.
Cycle | A cycling tripLeaders: Herbert Frey & Leslie Reddacliff. From Tianjara Falls carpark we cycle mainly on firetrails visiting Boyd Lookout (morning tea), Little Tianjara Falls and Kangaroo Hill (lunch). Great views and heritage. Some short but steep walks included. A couple of significant hills, and a small section on the bitumen along Nerriga Road.
Map: Sassafras 89271N and Tianjara 89271S Limit: 10. View

20 Sep, Wed 9:00AM Granite Falls & Rainforest Walk
Grade:2/6 Length 4km Milton Branch
Kevin R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longTwo short walks, with a wee drive in between. Firstly an easy level stroll to the viewing platform at the appropriately named Granite Falls, spectacular in its own right and of geologic interest. Then the rainforest walk which must be the easiest walk to experience the majesty of the rainforest and rocky escarpments which border the coastal environs in the district. Combine this with glorious views from Boyd Lookout at the top and morning tea (bring your own...) in a picnic area reminiscent of hanging Rock, and you have a morning to remember. View

20 Sep, Wed 9:30AM Wollstonecraft to Kirribilli
Grade:3/6 Length 10km Sydney Branch
Hildegard S.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Cancelled) Walk from Wollstonecraft station finishing at Kirribilli via Berry Island and Balls Head Reserve. Beautiful bush and harbour views.
Location: North Sydney Limit: 15. View

21 Sep, Thu 9:00AM Gerringong Falls (to the bottom and back up)
Grade:6/6 Length 15km  7m Southern Highlands Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) A challenging climb down (through the "Chimney") to the bottom of the falls and back up. We will cycle to the start of this climb. Some rope work could be done. Steep, slippery, climbing, wet.
Location: Southern highlands Limit: 10. View

21 Sep, Thu 8:00AM Starlights Trail, Slott Way Track, and Ahearn’s Lookout
Fully inside Wingecarribee Shire Council
Grade:4/6 Length 19km  600m Southern Sydney Branch
Paul L.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Updated Details) Starting on Nattai Road W11E and turning off on Starlights Trail and follow to Ermetts Flat. Morning tea at camping areas. Return on Starlights trail to Point Hill, then on Slott Way track to the junction with Ahearn Lookout Track. Take track to lookout. Possible lunch stop. Return to the track junction continue to Junction with Starlights Trail and then to car parked on Nattai Road. Details have been updated after the exploratory walk on 6th September. Section of Slott Way track overgrown and now bypasssed. Hazards include river crossings, slippery rocks and hard to follow tracks.
Location: Nattai NP (Hilltop)
Map: Hilltop 8929-2N Limit: 8. View

22 Sep, Fri 9:50AM Colour walk series No 7: Australian Botanical Garden
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  250m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Esther
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Leader: Philip Wright.  Philip has an insider's knowledge of the The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.  The garden showcases Australian flora amongst 416 hectares of rolling hills, lakes, lawns and gardens. In the late 18th century, the discovery of a new continent filled with exotic plants unknown to the rest of the world created waves of excitement in the field of botany. The Australian Botanic Garden displays approximately 2000 of these plants via themed gardens across the site as well as the Connections Garden, a four-hectare intensely cultivated space right in the heart of the Garden. Other features of the Garden include a restaurant, visitor centre with gift shop, free gas barbecues and acres of Cumberland Plain Woodland to explore. Come Spring, the paper daisies become an attraction for visitors. Various species of Waratahs will be flowering too. After seeing the floral display, we will walk to the Sundial, Mount Annan Peak, the Blue Tree before leaving the Garden to visit Lake Yandel'ora before catching the bus home. Expect a long day. Not suitable for walkers who need to get back by a certain time.  
Location: Mt Annan View

22 Sep, Fri 7:45AM Pretty Beach to Pebbly Beach Loop Walk – Full Day
Grade:4/6 Length 18km Milton Branch
Megan H.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longA steep climb to start, up Mt Durras, then walk across to Pebbly Beach (partly on the road) and stop for lunch. On the way back explore the new track along the coast back to Pretty. Some uphill and down, along rock platforms, up and down constructed steps, short section on the Pebbly Road. The walk is long but pace will be steady with plenty of time to enjoy the coast on the way back. Whole day walk. Should be back at cars around 4:30 pm.
Location: Murramarang NP
Map: Kioloa 89261N Limit: 10. View

22 Sep, Fri 8:15AM West of Bowen Hill
Grade:5/6 Length 10km Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPark at the locked gate on Bowen Hill Trail, GR 689 967. Head north on an old fire trail, then continue on the ridge, all the way to the end at GR 695 000. Descend under the cliffs and traverse counterclockwise to around GR 690 993. Climb up a gully back to the ridge and walk to the cars. Exploratory. About 10 km. Scrambling and exposure.
Location: Wollemi NP
Map: Mountain Lagoon 90313S View

23 Sep, Sat 7:30AM Pantoneys Crown and return
Grade:5/6 Length 8km  450m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Rising up from the Capertee Valley, Pantoneys Crown is majestic from all angles and is indeed a mountain worth ascending as the view from the top is truly outstanding, and I should know as this will be my 22nd visit to the top! Of course to get to that summit requires some bush bashing and steep ascending via a somewhat rocky ridge, but hey, that's all in the fun of it! Off-track, rock scrambling and bush bashing.
Location: Gardens of Stone NP
Map: Ben Bullen 89314S and Cullen Bullen 89313N View

24 Sep, Sun 8:15AM Beach and bush Sussex Inlet
Grade:3/6 Length 16km Milton Branch
Maureen C.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFrom Cudmirrah we head for the bushland track to Cudmirrah Beach and the Sussex Inlet Surf Club, then head north towards the rocks and take the steps up for the highest sand dune on this part of the coast and Inlet views. We go up and down Alamein Steps, follow the Inlet to Chris Creek then return to Cudmirrah passing Swan Lake.   View

24 Sep, Sun 8:45AM Mt Colah to Bobbin Head loop
Grade:5/6 Length 20km  580m Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Updated Details) Very challenging & brutal track. You need to be fit & tough to be able to do rock hopping & steep climb. It passes a variety of stunning scenery, terrain & vegetation. We will see the magnificent Sphinx & pyramids hand built by a veteran. Along the way masses of different wildflowers are on show. Rocks & tree roots. Overgrown track.
Location: Kuring-gai Chase NP Limit: 20. View

25 Sep, Mon 9:10AM Bullaburra to Lawson
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  150m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPlease provide your mobile, emergency mobile and NPA#s. New walkers state your previous walking experience. Bruces Walk to North Lawson Park. Track to Fairy Falls and Echo Bluff. Tracks back to Lawson. Slippery, wet.
Location: Bullaburra Limit: 15. View

25 Sep, Mon 9:30AM Lane Cove National Park Ramble
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  200m Sydney Branch
John H.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.This walk will be led by Graham Conden on behalf of John Hain. All bookings to John. A ramble through the steep sided upper section of Lane Cove NP via some little used tracks, including passing by the very source of the Lane Cove River, and a visit to the very pretty Coups Creek. Beautiful bushland, mostly shaded. Some minor creek crossings (hopefully with dry feet, rain dependent). Walking sticks handy for some steep descents.
Map: Hornsby 91304S Limit: 15. View

26 Sep, Tue 9:30AM Wanganderry Pass Fire Trail to the Escarpment (#710)
Fully inside Wingecarribee Shire Council
Grade:4/6 Length 13km  400m Southern Highlands Branch
Ian G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) This walk is along the first part of the Bonnum Pic track.  Leaving the fire trail there are a couple of steep gullies to negotiate before joining an old fire trail and then a bush track leading to the escarpment.  Wildflowers are prolific and the view is spectacular. Hazards: Steep rough track, slippery creek crossing, fallen trees, unfenced cliff edges. NOTE: Sections of this track have become quite overgrown.
Location: Nattai NP
Map: Hilltop 8929-2N Limit: 20. View

27 Sep, Wed 9:45AM Duffy’s Forest flower trail.
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  80m Sydney Branch
Jill M.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFlower walk with a view of Cowan Creek at lunchtime. Mainly fire trails. Bookings only from the week before the walk please.
Location: Duffys Forest Limit: 15. View

27 Sep, Wed 9:00AM Kirrawee to Heathcote
Fully inside Sutherland Shire Council
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  489m Southern Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longThe walk starts at Kirrawee Station, some suburban walk to RNP via Savilles Creek towards Temptation Creek Loop, Florence Parade, descending to Hacking River towards Riverside Drive, Audley, Robertson Knoll, Kangaroo Creek before climbing to Engadine Track and walking along Parkland Trail towards Heathcote. Some slippery section, loose rocks, creek crossing
Location: RNP Limit: 10. View

28 Sep, Thu 12:00AM Behind-the-scenes at Booderee Botanic Gardens
Milton Branch
Helen M.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longVisit to Booderee Botanic Gardens for a behind-the-scenes visit to the nursery with the curator, a guided tour of the Koori garden, followed by our own walk to the rest of the garden. Numbers limited. Car pooling and park entry fee contribution requested. Contact Helen by email for details. View

29 Sep, Fri 10:00AM The Alphabet Series “Q”: Queenscliff to Manly Wharf
Grade:3/6 Length 11km  240m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Bob Rankin
Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Meet outside Queenscliff surf club building. Walk to Manly Wharf via North Head. Visit Fairfax Lookout, Third Quarantine Cemetery, Little Manly Beach. Possible swim at Little Manly or Manly if it's a warm day. Limit: 16. View

30 Sep, Sat 9:00AM Ikara Head – Asgard Swamp
Grade:4/6 Length 10km  350m Sydney Branch
Greg L.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longVictoria Falls Rd - Ikara Head - Girraween Cave - lookout near Valhalla Head - Asgard Swamp - Victoria Falls Rd. Great walking country, magnificent scenery, swamp land, spring wildflowers. A loop walk that's not short and not too long with plenty of interest. Joint walk with Bush Club. Some off-track walking, thick scrub at times.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Mount Wilson 89301N Limit: 15. View

30 Sep, Sat 10:30AM Illawarra Rhododendron and Rainforest Garden
Grade:2/6 Length 2km  50m Illawarra Branch
Graham B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longGuided rainforest walk as part of branch AGM. View

30 Sep, Sat 8:00AM Mt Solitary and return
Grade:4/6 Length 23km  800m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.After being shut off from public access for 2 years Mt.Solitary is now open again for the adventurous and fit and at this time of year the Waratahs should be at their peak blooming time,which is another added bonus to this walk.I plan to walk to the Col and back via the Golden stairs and if time visit the Ruined Castle on the way back. Steep climb up the ridge onto Solitary.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Jamison 89302N Limit: 15. View

30 Sep, Sat Revelations Ridge and around
Grade:6/6 Length 8km Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPark at the locked gate on Bowen Hill Trail, GR 689 967. Head west across a deep gully, then continue along Revelations Ridge. Find a way down the cliffs to visit Revelations Chamber, and from there, descend underneath the next cliff line. Traverse north to GR 679 980 or even further, to GR 681 981, depending on what we will find, then climb above both cliff lines and walk south west to visit Dragon Teeth Rocks. Now, head to the top of the ridge and retrace our steps of this morning to the cars. Partly exploratory. About 8 km. Scrambling and exposure.
Location: Wollemi NP
Map: Mountain Lagoon 90313S and Wollangambe 89312S View

1 Oct, Sun 8:00AM Hornsby to Berowra
Grade:4/6 Length 22km  750m Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Updated Details) Part of Great North Walk. A challenging section  with steep climbs & descends. Creek crossings & slippery rocks. We will pass a variety of terrains & vegetation with abundant wildflowers in full bloom. Many stunning lookouts & views. It will make you feel good to be alive. Creek crossings & slippery rocks
Location: Kuring-gai Chase NP
Map: kuringai chase Limit: 20. View

1 Oct, Sun 8:30AM Mount Kembla Tracks
Grade:3/6 Length 13km  300m Illawarra Branch
Col M.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.Educational | A trip where the leader will focus on teaching or training.Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Walk on 3 sections of the Mt Kembla area from the Lookout - Summit, Ring Track and Ridge Track. On tracks, fire trails and short section of a quiet road. Varying forested sections and views of the Illawarra coastline. Possibly some leeches.
Location: Illawarra Escarpment SCA Limit: 16. View

1 Oct, Sun 8:00AM Temple Creek, Holy Grail Ravine and Last Crusade Point
Grade:5/6 Length 9km Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFind out why this part of the Gardens of Stone region must be better protected for future generations. Park vehicles on the Blackfellows Hand Trail at GR 327 090. Walk north down into Temple Creek, then turn west and walk along the base of the cliffs to Last Crusade Point and Ravine. Climb to the tops, then descend into Holy Grail Ravine. Walk to the end, then climb out on the eastern side and return to the vehicles. Scrambling and exposure. About 9 km.
Location: Newnes SF
Map: Cullen Bullen 89313N View

2 Oct, Mon 9:07AM Lawson to Hazelbrook
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  525m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longNote: daylight saving and public holiday train timetable Please provide your mobile, emergency mobile and NPA#s. New walkers state your previous walking experience. Empire Pass, explore Lucys Glen, then up fire trail to cross Queens Road. Track then road to Golden Horizon park. Tracks and road to Hazelbrook. Slippery, wet.
Location: Lawson Limit: 15. View

2 Oct, Mon 9:10AM Wolli Creek – Canterbury Station to Tempe Station
Grade:2/6 Length 10.5km  50m Sydney Branch
Scott W.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Walk led by Scott Wilson on behalf of John Hain. Discover the hidden remnant bushland along Wolli Creek that was saved from a motorway development by The Wolli Creek Preservation Society ( We start at Canterbury Station, cross the Cooks River, follow Cup and Saucer Creek over the 'hill' to Wolli Creek and follow the creek down to Tempe Station. Some sections of the Wolli Creek track are slippery when wet.
Location: Wolli Creek Regional Park Limit: 20. View

3 Oct, Tue 9:30AM Griffiths Trail Circuit (#350)
Passes through 2 LGA's.
The Council of the Municipality of Kiama
Shoalhaven City Council
Grade:3/6 Length 8km  200m Southern Highlands Branch
Ian G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Cancelled) Cancelled due to Park Closure. Will now change walk to Minamurra Falls. Details to follow. A circuit walk through varied vegetation including forest and open heathland.  A short detour to a lookout gives views along the coast.  There are many birds and a lovely lunch spot by the creek. Hazards: Rough track, slippery rocks and creek crossing.
Location: Barren Grounds NP
Map: Robertson 9028-4N Limit: 20. View

4 Oct, Wed 9:30AM Chatswood to Mowbray Park
Grade:2/6 Length 8km Sydney Branch
Denise S.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Leader Changed) Walk the Rail to River Track from Chatswood Station to Fullers Bridge, then along the Eastern side of the Lane Cove River to Epping Rd. Lovely bush and river views. Bookings only from week before walk please.
Location: Lane Cove Bushland Reserve & Harbour reserves Limit: 15. View

4 Oct, Wed 8:50AM Kamakah Gully from Bell
Fully inside Blue Mountains City Council
Grade:4/6 Length 10km  140m Southern Sydney Branch
Paul L.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Kamakah Gully is a dry narrow canyon, almost dark in short sections as it winds through the sandstone. We will walk from Bells Line of Road along the ridge beside Kamakah Gully and then enter the gully from a shoulder following the foot pad down. Once in the gully the walk follows the stream up into the canyon as it narrows and twists its way through the sandstone to the point where the canyon ends. Walk is in declared wilderness area, group limit of eight. Not a difficult walk, grade 4 due to off-track walking. Will need to run this walk again soon for those who could not join this one or missed out with limit. Regrowth may make following foot pad to canyon difficult.
Location: Bell
Map: Mount Wilson 89301N Limit: 8. View

4 Oct, Wed 9:00AM South Pacific Headland Reserve & Racecourse Beach
Grade:1/6 Length 6km Milton Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longDepart from the carpark at Racecourse Beach and walk along the street to the South Pacific Headland Reserve and follow the tracks observing a variety of plants, animals and birds. The are 2 viewing platforms for some magnificent views. On returning to Racecourse Beach we will then follow the rock platforms which are flat north of the carpark for 1km and then return.   View

4-23 Oct, Wed (11:46AM)-Mon (11:00AM) Uganda and Rwanda wildlife and walking
Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Accommodation | An activity that involves an overnight stay, using hard-roofed accommodation such as a cabin, hut or hotel.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) There are no spots left on this amazing wildlife and walking tour in 2 African countries next year. Contact me for more details. 12 people booked on.This commercial trip is being run by World Expeditions. Limit: 12. View

5 Oct, Thu Garawarra SCA Helensburgh Short Loop
Grade:2/6 Length 9.5km  215m Illawarra Branch
Adrian J.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long
An interesting, short loop showing the delights of the conservation area. A variety of tracks with a few new routes including the locally made Camel Track. To make the trip worthwhile I have included a visit to three of the historic tunnels. The walk will also include a course through the old Helensburgh tip viewing the surrounding area with city views. Unhurried pace.
Joint walk with Bush Club. Contact leader for meeting details.
Torches required and recommended old boots/shoes as entrance to tunnels wet and muddy.
Location: Garawarra SCA View

6 Oct, Fri 9:00AM The Great West Walk Part 1: Parramatta to Toongabbie
Grade:2/6 Length 12km  100m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Ken
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.This is the first section of The Great West Walk from Parramatta to Penrith and now extending over The Blue Mountains. The walk involves some street walking, bush tracks and shared pathways. There is some original forest along Toongabbie Creek, some birdlife and some history. Trip hazards, cyclists on shared pathways and traffic on road crossings.
Location: Parramatta
Map: Street Directories Limit: 10. View

8 Oct, Sun 8:00AM Hornsby to Berowra
Grade:4/6 Length 22km  750m Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Date Changed) This walk was cancelled & will now be back on unless there is a total fire ban in Kuring-gai Chase NP. Part of GNW. A challenging section with steep climbs & descends. Creek crossings & slippery rocks. A variety of terrains, vegetations with abundance of wildflowers in bloom. Many stunning lookouts & magnificent views. Creek crossings & slippery rocks.
Location: Kuring-gai Chase NP
Map: Kuring-gai Chase NP Limit: 20. View

9 Oct, Mon 9:00AM Hazelbrook to Woodford
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  490m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Please provide your mobile, emergency mobile and NPA#s. New walkers state your previous walking experience. Horseshoe Falls, Burgess Falls, then tracks to Hazel, Emily and Mabel Falls. Up fire trail. Tracks to Woodford Station. Slippery, wet, old track with trip hazards. Limit: 15. View

9 Oct, Mon 9:35AM Rumbala Ramble
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  360m Sydney Branch
John H.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.This walk is to be led by Elena Mazur who is to take all bookings at or text to 0418 718 689. Give her your phone, emergency contact and NPA numbers, please. This is a lovely uphill circular walk through a really beautiful part of the hills behind Gosford. Many steps.
Location: Rumbalara Reserve Limit: 15. View

10 Oct, Tue 9:30AM Jellore Floral Reserve Circuit West (#720)
Fully inside Wingecarribee Shire Council
Grade:3/6 Length 9km  200m Southern Highlands Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSlow pace | A trip where the leader will set an easy pace.(Nearly fully booked) A circuit walk on trails through Jellore State Forest with stunning views from spectacular lookouts. Beware of Koalas Hazards:  Rough fire trail and unfenced cliff edges. Possible drop bears
Location: Jellore State Forest
Map: Mittagong 8929-2S Limit: 20. View

11 Oct, Wed 9:00AM Bicycle Tour De Sussex
Grade:3/6 Length 38km Milton Branch
Maureen C.
Cycle | A cycling tripWe will cycle from Cudmirrah along a couple of tracks in Conjola National Park and then to Sussex Inlet Surf Club, then ride around Badgee and behind the Golf Club. Return to Cudmirrah a slightly different way. Can be shortened. Helmet compulsory.   View

11 Oct, Wed 8:30AM In Search of Kingdom Come (Waterfall to Heathcote)
Fully inside Sutherland Shire Council
Grade:3/6 Length 15km  503m Southern Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.We'll walk from Waterfall Station along Bullawaring Track. We'll stop at Kingfisher Pool for morning tea. We'll continue along Bullawaring Track, turn to Goanna Track and some part of Pipeline Trail towards Boobera Pool Track. We'll cross Woronora River to visit Kingdom Come Campsite near Boobera Pool and will try to find Old Todds Hut ruin. Kingdome Come was a popular bushwalkers' destination and campsite since the 30's. We'll walk back via Bullawaring Track and some part of Pipeline Trail and Friendly Trail towards Heathcote Station. Slippery sections, creek crossing, river crossing, loose rocks.
Map: heathcote Limit: 10. View

11 Oct, Wed 9:30AM Milsons Point to Botanic Gardens
Grade:2/6 Length 8km Sydney Branch
Marilyn C.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longWalk from Milsons Point across Harbour Bridge, Circular Quay and around the Botanic Gardens. Bookings only from the week before the walk please.
Location: City of Sydney Limit: 15. View

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