Program listing

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Calendar View or list for Jul 24 | Aug 24 | Sep 24 | Oct 24 | Nov 24 | and beyond.
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13 Aug, Tue 9:30AM Lake Illawarra – Bike Ride (Road/Mtn)
Grade:3/6 Length 45km Milton Branch
Herbert F.
Cycle | A cycling tripLeaders: Herbert Frey & Leslie Reddacliff. We circumnavigate Lake Illawarra, mainly on off-road cycleways. Several short on-road sections have wide shoulders. Bring morning tea to enjoy at the lake entrance at Windang, and lunch on banks of Macquarie Rivulet at Darcy Dunster Reserve, Yallah (choice of BYO, or take-away from Hunger Buster kebabs or Hungry Jacks).
Map: Illawarra Cycleways Limit: 12. View