Program listing

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Calendar View or list for Jul 24 | Aug 24 | Sep 24 | Oct 24 | Nov 24 | and beyond.
Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

9 Aug, Fri 8:00AM Bingie Dreaming Track – Bingie Bingie Point to Congo
Grade:3/6 Length 8km Milton Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longWe will start at Bingie Bingie Point and explore the area. We then follow a formed track to Congo. We pass a variety of golden beaches and untamed bushland. With a little luck we might see some sea eagles & whales. This walk will include a car shuffle. Lunch in Moruya after the walk. Limit: 15. View

21 Aug, Wed 8:00AM Mill Bay to Dalmeny Campground – Coastal Walk
Length 6km Milton Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longGrade: Easy. This is a paved path and boardwalk, shared with cyclists. We will start at Mill Bay at Wogonga Inlet, passing Kianga & beaches with incredible views. Hopefully we will see sea eagles and whales. We will finish the walk at Dalmeny Campground. Lunch on the headland with great views of Dalmeny Beach. Bring your own lunch or purchase at the Dalmeny takeaway. Limit: 15. View