Program listing

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Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

12 Jul, Wed 8:50AM Linden to Springwood via Victory Track and Magdala Gully Track
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  480m Sydney Branch
Bandula G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Fully Vaccinated | All participants must be able to show proof they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to particpate.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Starting from Linden Station walk past Lady Martins Cave, off-track passing Aboriginal carvings, Sassafras Track, Victory Track, Perch Ponds and up to Springwood Station via Magdala Gully Track. Steep and slippery sections, creek crossings.
Location: Springwood Limit: 15. View

12 Jul, Wed 9:00AM Manly to Dee Why
Grade:2/6 Length 9km Sydney Branch
Hildegard S.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Walk coastal path from Manly to Dee Why. Beach walking, street walking, along promenades and some bush tracks. Great ocean views. A couple of steep climbs. Bookings only from one week prior to date of walk please.  
Location: Northern Beaches Limit: 15. View

12 Jul, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWalkers lunch at O'Donoghues, Emu Plains.
Location: Emu Plains View

15 Jul, Sat 8:29AM Hydro Majestic tracks
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  200m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.At the back of the Hydro Majestic Hotel is a whole network of tracks which were constructed in the 1920s by the hotel to encourage their visitors to enjoy the natural bush at their doorstep! On this walk I'll be travelling over many of these and on the way you can expect superlative views, interesting historical features, the odd waterfall or two, the 3 brothers pagoda complex and much more. Steep tracks.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Katoomba 89301S Limit: 15. View

15-16 Jul, Sat (09:00AM)-Sun (12:00PM) NavShield 2023
General Community Event
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longEvery year Bush Search and Rescue NSW (BSAR) organises and runs the Australian Emergency Services Wilderness Navigation Shield or NavShield. Participants test their bush and compass navigation abilities in an overnight event through 100 square km of wilderness terrain a few hours drive from Sydney, Australia. The location of the event is different each year. The two day event starts at 09:00 on Saturday and finishes at 12:00 Sunday. Registrations are open from Friday 05 May 2023. Due to legal requirements, all participants must be >18yrs old irrespective of whether they are operational members of the NSW SES or RFS.
Location: Goulburn River NP View

16 Jul, Sun 2023 Provide First Aid course
Bushwalking NSW
Talk | A talk or slide show presentation.Educational | A trip where the leader will focus on teaching or training.Provide First Aid is a comprehensive course that will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to help an ill or injured person until emergency help arrives. You will learn the DRSABCD action plan as well as resuscitation (Including defibrillation), asthma, anaphylaxis and the management of various injuries and illnesses. More information at First Aid Training. This training will ONLY be available for participants over 18.   View

16 Jul, Sun 2023 Provide First Aid in Remote or Isolated Situation course
Bushwalking NSW
Talk | A talk or slide show presentation.Educational | A trip where the leader will focus on teaching or training.Saturday July 23rd and Sat-Sun July 30th-31st. This remote area first aid course is specifically designed to meet the first aid needs of bushwalkers, wilderness guides, and people who work or live in remote locations. The course covers everything from comprehensive first aid treatments to aeromedical evacuation, long-term care, self-care, and contingency planning. This course is focused on the safety of the first aider and extended care of an ill or injured casualty where help is likely to be delayed or inaccessible. Course Duration – 3 days (face to face workshops with pre-work). More information at First Aid Training. This training will ONLY be available for participants over 18. View

16 Jul, Sun 8:30AM Bondi beach to La perouse in section 1
Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longBondi beach to La Perouse in 2 sections: section 1 View

16 Jul, Sun 10:30AM Mogareeka Inlet – Wajurda Point
Grade:3/6 Length 7km Far South Coast Branch
Gabrielle T.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longWalk follows a winding bush trail beside the Bega River mouth through to Moon Bay and Wajurda Point. The area has important indigenous ceremonial sites as well as non indigenous history on the "Riverview" headland and at Moon Bay. Wajurda Lookout is a good whale watching point. Gentle pace. Steep ascent/descent from Moon Bay.
Location: Mimosa Rocks National Park View

16 Jul, Sun 12:14PM North of Little Tootie
Grade:5/6 Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPark on Bowen Hill Trail at around GR 688 967. Descend into the gully to the north west. Continue under the cliffs counterclockwise till about GR 677 970. Climb on the ridge to the east, then make our way back to the car. Exploratory. About 6 km. Scrambling and exposure.
Location: Wollemi NP
Map: Mountain Lagoon 90313S and Wollangambe 89312S View

16 Jul, Sun 9:00AM Tabourie/Termeil Forest & Foreshore Frolic
Grade:3/6 Length 11km Milton Branch
Kevin R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPark at Tabourie Beach, follow the lakeside track and River Road before crossing the highway into Termeil State Forest. Stroll along forest tracks and Lemon Tree Road to rejoin the hwy. Cross into Blackbutt Road and follow this to Stokes Island. Using various beach access-ways alternate between beach and behind dunes to return to cars.
Map: Tabourie 89272S Limit: 16. View

16 Jul, Sun 9:30AM The Alphabet series: “C” …Convict Trail Walk
Grade:3/6 Length 11km  350m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Ewan C.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.
Convict Trail Walk - Finchs Line/ Mt Devine and Shepherds Gully circuit.
Distance 11 km, approx,
My contact details -, 0407 012413

17 Jul, Mon 9:00AM Bulls Camp
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  325m Sydney Branch
Allan P.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Walking both sides of highway. A bit of history along the way. Visit Woodford Trig, Coxs Rd, Paradise, old railway dam and Bulls Camp. Some overgrown, steep, rocky and/or rough sections. Some off-track. Lots of road and trail though. Slippery if wet or leaves are dry.
Location: Woodford
Map: Katoomba Limit: 20. View

17 Jul, Mon 9:30AM Knightsbridge Circuit Walk
Grade:2/6 Length 10km  100m Sydney Branch
Ian B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFully Vaccinated | All participants must be able to show proof they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to particpate.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.The walking circuit is accessed from the Showground Metro Station by tracks through the Castle Hills Showground to the Fred Caterson Reserve. The circuit is a mixture of tracks within the reserve as well as the surrounding suburban area. The circuit could be rough, muddy and slippery in parts. Limit: 20. View

18 Jul, Tue 9:30AM The Cascades & Bullock Track Circuit (#510)
Fully inside Shellharbour City Council
Grade:4/6 Length 8km  450m Southern Highlands Branch
Paul O
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Fully Booked) From the Cascades car park climb steeply beside the waterfall and continue to a service road.  Descend to Clover Hill Rd and follow the track down the old bullock track to return to car park. Hazards: Steep slippery track with tree roots, slippery rocks, creek crossing.
Location: Macquarie Pass NP
Map: Robertson 9028-4N Limit: 20. View

19 Jul, Wed 9:15AM Artarmon to the Spit
Grade:3/6 Length 11km Sydney Branch
Mike P.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Walk via parks, some bush, streets and landscaped paths from Artarmon to The Spit. Lovely views of Middle Harbour. Bookings only from one week prior to date of walk please.
Location: Lower North Shore Limit: 15. View

19 Jul, Wed 8:00AM Dalmeny to Mill Bay Boardwalk
Grade:2/6 Length 7km Milton Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longCafe | A trip that involves a relaxed stop at a cafe.This is a paved path shared with cyclists & boardwalk. We will start at the Dalmeny Camping Ground passing many beaches with incredible views & after Kianga onto Mill Bay & Wagonga Inlet. You will possibly see a variety of marine animals We will finish near the bridge crossing Wagonga Inlet. We will then car shuffle back to Dalmeny for coffee and lunch on the headland. View

19 Jul, Wed 8:25AM Glenbrook circuit via Blue Pool Kanuka Brook & Red Hand Cave
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  415m Sydney Branch
Bandula G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Fully Vaccinated | All participants must be able to show proof they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to particpate.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Starting at Glenbrook Station, walk through Douglas Smith Park down to Blue Pool, walk beside Glenbrook Creek to Kanuka Brook then to Red Hand Cave and back up to Glenbrook Station via Jellybean Pool. Steep and slippery sections, creek crossings, section of rough indistinct track.
Location: Glenbrook Limit: 15. View

20 Jul, Thu 9:00AM Wollondilly River Walking Track (Guula Ngurra NP)
Grade:5/6 Length 8km  500m Southern Highlands Branch
Neil O.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSwim | A trip that involves swimmingSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Winding downhill to the Wollondilly River and offering breathtaking views along the way, Wollondilly River Walking Track is a pleasant walk through beautiful forest. With some steep & slippery sections, a rough track and no signage, it's a challenging walk suitable for experienced bushwalkers only. Walking poles highly recommended. Starting from the car park we’ll follow Dirrang Management Trail for approx. 1km, descending into a grey gum forest. After traversing a flat clearing, we’ll continue on a smaller trail heading west along a section of grass. After making our way along a ridge top, we’ll head further downhill into forest red gum woodland. After another 1.5km we’ll reach the banks of the Wollondilly River. Time/weather permitting we may also visit Baldy Billy Peak on the return leg with its gobsmacking views of the Wollondilly River Valley below. Some very steep sections, slippery in places.
Location: Guula Ngurra National Park Limit: 10. View

21 Jul, Fri 10:00AM Colour Walk Series 15: Magnolia
Grade:2/6 Length 11km  60m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Esther
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFirst time friendly | A trip that is perfect for most new members (assuming you have a reasonable level of fitness)Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Leader for the day: Philip Wright.  From Burwood, we walk to the Millenium Walk, Hen and Chicken Bay, Concord, several parks and back to Burwood.  We will see a community garden, Bushells Tea and Magnolias in bloom. Azalea, Camellias are also in bloom at this time of the year.  There are many choices for lunch at Burwood's Chinatown. View

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