Program listing

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Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

25 Oct - 5 Nov, Sat-Wed Peru: Amazon to the Andes.
Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Accommodation | An activity that involves an overnight stay, using hard-roofed accommodation such as a cabin, hut or hotel.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longEducational | A trip where the leader will focus on teaching or training.Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Social | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.This 12 day guided trip is hosted by G adventures and includes options to do the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu or go via the Lares Trail or the easier way, via the train. Included are 3 days at an Amazon lodge and other highlights including a visit to Rainbow mountain, Ollantaytambo and other scenic locations. For the full tour details please contact me if you're interested in what will be an exciting tour visiting some of Peru's most iconic locations.
Location: peru Limit: 16. View

7-20 Nov, Fri (09:00AM)-Thu (09:00AM) Ecuador
Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Accommodation | An activity that involves an overnight stay, using hard-roofed accommodation such as a cabin, hut or hotel.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Nearly fully booked) My wife and I are joining an Exodus Travels trip to Ecuador in November 2025 for 14 days, which will combine wildlife watching and walking, including visiting ancient ruins and some local culture thrown in. Strictly limited spaces, so if interested, please contact me asap. There is 1 place left on this trip. Before the Ecuador trip we'll be going on 2 short trips in Peru, one to Machu Picchu and another to a research station in the middle of the Amazon. Both of these are relatively cheap trips. View

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