Program listing

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20 Mar, Wed 8:04AM Waterfall Station to Palona Cave & Falls via Couranga Track
Grade:3/6 Length 16km  470m Sydney Branch
Bandula G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Meet at Waterfall Station where the walk will start. Walk along Uloola Fire trail, turn off soon after the fire fighter's memorial into Couranga Track, cross the Hacking River and join the Forest Path, then on to Lady Carrington Drive Track and turn off to go to Palona Falls before the Palona Brook Picnic site. Return along the Forest Path loop back to Waterfall Station. Steep and slippery section and creek crossings.
Location: Waterfall Limit: 15. View

20 Mar, Wed 9:00AM Yeramba Lagoon
Grade:2/6 Length 6km  100m Southern Sydney Branch
Brian E.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.The lagoon has been changed since the salt water can now return and since loads of weeding has helped restore the upper waterways. Let's check it out via a series of tracks within this corner of the national park. Expect wildflowers and wetland birds.
Location: Georges River NP Limit: 10. View

21 Mar, Thu 8:30AM Clover Hill Road waterfalls
Grade:5/6 Length 18km  420m Southern Highlands Branch
(SH Explorer Walks) Jerry
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Clover hill water falls on Macquarie Pass Steep rough track, over grown track, slippery creek crossing, fallen trees, unfenced cliff edges.
Location: Southern highlands Limit: 8. View

21 Mar, Thu 8:30AM Dimmocks Creek to Bundanoon Creek and up Tooth’s LO
Grade:6/6 Length 10km  300m Southern Highlands Branch
(SH Explorer Walks) Martyn M.
Canyon | A trip through a canyon (a gully surrounded by tall cliffs).Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(Postponed) Start at Dimmocks Creek track carpark. A short car shuffle. Steep descent down Dimmocks Creek to Bundanoon Creek. Each walker will carry their own lilo/floating device. Paddle, scramble, climb your way down Bundanoon Creek to the start of the ascent to Tooth's LO. Mostly pristine country and off-track. Steep, slippery, cool water, swimming/floating.
Location: Morton NP (Bundanoon) Limit: 8. View

22 Mar, Fri 9:35AM Hat Hill
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  350m Sydney Branch
Allan P.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Some exploritory. From the Hat Hill carpark walk to Wallaces Lookout with views over Govetts Gorge. Search for Wallaces Engine in this area. Retrace the path back to the road and climb Hat Hill. Follow the ridge out to Bald Head. Views over Hat Hill Creek and Grose Valley. Bald Head is in the Grose Wilderness Area. Some off-track to find Wallaces Engine a possibility.
Location: Blackheath
Map: Mt Wilson Limit: 8. View

22-24 Mar, Fri (06:34AM)-Sun (16:00PM) Mount Coricudgy
Grade:5/6 Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Camp | An activity that involves an overnight stay, usually in a tent.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longThis is a research trip for a new book about the Australian Army activities in the area during the 1960s. Final details will depend on the state of the road, but the plan is to drive as far as possible, hopefully to the intersection at GR 522 627, establish a camp there and take day trips to the top of the mountain. Combination of trail and off-trail walking. Exploratory. Distances unknown, likely 12-15 km every day. Likely scrambling and exposure.
Map: Coricudgy 89322N Limit: 8. View

22 Mar, Fri 5:30AM Sunrise at Racecourse Beach, Ulladulla
Grade:1/6 Length 5km Milton Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longCafe | A trip that involves a relaxed stop at a cafe.Start at South Pacific Crescent Carpark and walk along Racecourse Beach, then climb the new stairs at the far end of the beach onto the headland to watch the sunrise which is due at 6 am. Return the same way & then extend the walk along the rock platform to the north of the car park. On return to the car park we can have coffee & breakfast at Rosie Oats in Burrill Lake. Limit: 15. View

22 Mar, Fri 9:30AM The Suburbs Series: Castle Hill (Knightsbridge Circuit)
Grade:2/6 Length 10km  100m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Ian B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Booking opens two weeks prior to event. The walking circuit is accessed from the Showground Metro Station via tracks through the Castle Hill Showground and Fred Caterson Reserve. The walk is a mixture of paved tracks, bush tracks, fire trails and streets. Track could be rough and slippery in parts. Limit: 15. View

23 Mar, Sat 8:00AM Moffitts Pagodas and Hades Ridge in the Poseidon area
Grade:4/6 Length 7km  200m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSlow pace | A trip where the leader will set an easy pace.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) This trip has two parts with the first being an exploration of the Moffitts Pagodas, a place I've wanted to investigate for a long time. The 2nd is to the short but spectacular Hades Ridge in the Ben Bullen State Forest, a little to the West of the Moffitts Pagodas and definitely a ridge worth exploring. Rock scrambling and off-track walking.
Location: Gardens of Stone NP and Ben Bullen SF
Map: Ben Bullen 89314S Limit: 12. View

24 Mar, Sun 10:30AM Washerwomans Beach to Green Island
Grade:3/6 Length 10km Milton Branch
Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longEasy with beach walking and off-track walking to explore the island. We are having a late start to give us the best chance of visiting Green Island at low tide. We start at Washerwomans Beach and skirt around Red Head with spectacular views. Then it is an amble along Inyadda Beach and Manyana Beach to Cunjurong Point from where we cross to Green Island. We spend some time exploring before walking back to our cars at the picnic area at the edge of Lake Conjola for afternoon tea. Take lunch and a snack on the walk, and a thermos and something to share for afternoon tea at the end of the walk. Option for a swim along the way. Limit: 12. View

25 Mar, Mon 9:48AM Grand Canyon
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  533m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Bookings after 1 March, Please. From Evans Lookout Road we will walk to and then down Neates Glen. Continue along the Grand Canyon and up. Track to Braeside. Tracks and road back to Blackheath Station. Great views if the weather permits. Note: if the Canyon is closed, an alternative walk from Katoomba will be provided, weather permitting. Steep ups and downs. Muddy, rough.
Map: Katoomba 89301S Limit: 15. View

25 Mar, Mon 7:00PM Spotlighting and Lunar Eclipse at Snapper Point
Grade:2/6 Length 5km Milton Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longWalk from Pretty Beach carpark up the Snapper Point trail to the headland and hopefully spot lots of interesting critters on our way, including brush and ring-tail possums, bandicoots and maybe even some owls and bats. The penumbral lunar eclipse starts at 7 pm and ends at 8:30 pm so we’ll have a great view as we emerge onto the headland. Bring binoculars, a small hand-held torch with red-light option if you have one, and some mozzie repellent. If the evening is nice, we can also bring a cuppa and snack to eat on the headland. The trail is quite gentle, although a bit eroded in places, and there are steep steps at the end section. Note: NPWS National Park fees apply.
Location: Murramarang NP Limit: 12. View

25 Mar, Mon 9:50AM The ABCD walk: Abbotsford to Birkenhead
Grade:2/6 Length 11km  120m Sydney Branch
Renate W.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFirst time friendly | A trip that is perfect for most new members (assuming you have a reasonable level of fitness)Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.The ABCD walk follows the southern shore of the Parramatta River downstream from Abbotsford Wharf to Birkenhead Point via Chiswick and Drummoyne. It passes under the award-winning Gladesville Bridge and the heritage-listed Iron Cove Bridge. The many views across the river make an interesting backdrop along the way. Roads, steps, slippery when wet.
Location: Parramatta River
Map: Parramatta River Limit: 14. View

26 Mar, Tue 9:30AM 4 Views – Moolatoo Trig Fire Trail (#110)
Fully inside Shoalhaven City Council
Grade:3/6 Length 11km  200m Southern Highlands Branch
(SH Tuesday Walks) Ian G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSlow pace | A trip where the leader will set an easy pace.Moolatoo Trig Fire Trail winds through the forest.  There are four separate cliff edge sites with dramatic views over Shoalhaven Gorge towards Ettrema Wilderness. Unfenced cliffs. Sandstone rock can fracture and crumble without warning.
Location: Morton NP(Kangaroo Valley) Limit: 20. View

27 Mar, Wed 9:15AM Pennant Hills to Thornleigh
Grade:3/6 Length 9km  50m Sydney Branch
Sylvia C.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Walk from Pennant Hills to Thornleigh. Lovely bush. Bookings only from the week before the walk please. Some creek crossings.
Location: Lane Cove National Park Limit: 15. View

27 Mar, Wed 9:40AM Victoria Falls, Asgard Head & Thor Head
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  650m Sydney Branch
Bandula G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Changed Transport Details) (Starting time and train time changed) Meet at Mt Victoria Station and car pool to Narrow Neck Lookout carpark. Walk down to Narrow Neck Lookout and continue down to the cascades and top and bottom of Victoria Falls. Go back up to the cars and drive back 1 Km and then walk to Asgard Head, Thor Head and down to the entrance to the old mine. Walk back to the cars and carpool back to Mt Victoria or Katoomba. Cars required for carpooling. Please state whether driving or coming by train. Steep and slippery sections and creek crossings.
Location: Mount Victoria Limit: 15. View

28 Mar - 1 Apr, Thu-Mon Easter at Bhundoo bush cottages
Grade:4/6 Length 40km Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Accommodation | An activity that involves an overnight stay, using hard-roofed accommodation such as a cabin, hut or hotel.Camp | An activity that involves an overnight stay, usually in a tent.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Social | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Nestled on a private property within sight of the Castle is the beautiful and serene Bhundoo Bush Cottages property. With its 3 spacious and very comfortable cottages and loads of camping area it's the perfect place to spy out the local wildlife including wombats, wallabies and even platypus have been sighted in the local Yadboro river. Of course it's also the perfect location to venture forth and explore the local national parks including Murramarang and Meroo. 2nd leader will be Adrian Barden
Location: Murramarang NP
Map: Milton 89272N and Corang 89273N Limit: 20. View

29 Mar, Fri 9:30AM The suburbs: Newtown Street Art and Historic Walking tour . Lynne’s birthday walk
Grade:2/6 Length 8km  100m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Esther
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Nearly fully booked) Leader: Ros Freeman Celebrate Lynne Hewitt’s birthday. We explore kerbside gardens, historic buildings, St Stephen's Church and cemetery; and the street art of Newtown, including ‘I have a Dream’ painted over two days, initially illegally, now heritage listed and Bob Hawke mural. Visit Warren Ball Avenue,  Newtown’s best street? Easy pace to study the street art.   Limit: 15. View

31 Mar, Sun 8:56AM Barrenjoey Lighhouse to Gerringong 2
Grade:3/6 Length 25km  500m Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Date Changed) This most spectacular & scenic coastal walk will pass through various terrains: bushland, beaches, headlands & waterfronts. It will be a delight for watchers of whales, seals, dolphins & birds. Every second Sunday, we will utilise public transport to do a section of around 300 km of this beautiful & memorable marathon. You are most welcome to join in our fun & adventure. Today we will start the the first section at the Barrenjoey Lighthouse where you can get a magnificent view of Pittwater, Palm Beach & Barrenjoey headland. We then walk past a series of rugged headlands, bush tracks with sweeping views of the coast & Pittwater, then finish at Collaroy. Some street & beach walking. Rock scrambling & uneven surfaces.
Location: Sydney Basin
Map: palm beach to manly Limit: 20. View

1 Apr, Mon 10:10AM Between Two Lagoons
Grade:3/6 Length 11km  180m Sydney Branch
Renate W.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.This walk connects the shores of Dee Why Lagoon and Narrabeen Lagoon via Collaroy Plateau. Starting from Collaroy, the walk follows the coastline via the Long Reef Headland to Dee Why Lagoon. After crossing Pittwater Road, several flights of steps lead up to Collaroy Plateau for breathtaking views over the coastline. A short steep bush track and several flights of steps lead down to join the path along Narrabeen Lagoon. Flights of steps, short steep bush descent (unless wet weather), busy road crossing.
Location: Northern Beaches
Map: Northern Beaches Limit: 14. View

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