The Alphabet series: “M” Moon Rock

The Alphabet series: “M” Moon Rock

9 Jun, Fri 9:00AM The Alphabet series: “M” Moon Rock
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  ↑300m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Mike P.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.
Walk start: B-Line bus stop just beyond Narrabeen tramshed at 09.45
Walk north over bridge turning left into Wakehurst P'way then follow Narrabeen Lagoon trail. Turn right under Wakehurst Pkway to Deep Creek Reserve. Then follow firetrail into Garigal NP and then take track looping around Moon Rock.
Return to Narrabeen .
Hazards: Steep and slippery sections
From: 9 Jun 2023, 9:00AM 2023-06-09 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, The Alphabet series: “M” Moon Rock Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at
Walk start: B-Line bus stop just beyond Narrabeen tramshed at 09.45
Walk north over bridge turning left into Wakehurst P'way then follow Narrabeen Lagoon trail. Turn right under Wakehurst Pkway to Deep Creek Reserve. Then follow firetrail into Garigal NP and then take track looping around Moon Rock.
Return to Narrabeen .
Take bus B1 at 8.50am Carrington Street, Wynyard, Stand B. B-Line bus to Mona Vale. ETA - 9.41am Tramshed Narrabeen(Narrabeen B-Line, Pittwater Rd)  
The Alphabet series: “M” Moon Rock NPA | Mike Pickles

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