October Creek Canyon – Du Faur Creek Canyon – Joes Canyon

October Creek Canyon – Du Faur Creek Canyon – Joes Canyon

4 Jan, Sat 7:30AM October Creek Canyon – Du Faur Creek Canyon – Joes Canyon
Grade:4/6 Length 13km  ↑300m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Canyon | A trip through a canyon (a gully surrounded by tall cliffs).Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longWhen the heat of summer is upon us, where do you head? To a Blue Mountains canyon to cool off and revive body and soul! On this trip we will experience not 1 but 3 canyons with Du Faur Canyon being the main course. The equally spectacular, but much shorter October Creek being the entree, and the Joes Canyon the dessert for what promises to be a superb day swimming, paddling and savouring these amazingly beautiful locations. I can promise you an amazing aquatic time! You'll need a helmet, wetsuit and I recommend a flotation device such as a surfmat, and life jacket as there are some longish swims involved. Hazards: Rock scrambling/off-track walking/swimming.
Location: Blue Mountains NP
Map: Mt Wilson Limit:12.
From: 4 Jan 2025, 7:30AM 2025-01-04 07:30:00 2025-01-04 15:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Canyon, Swim, and Walk, October Creek Canyon – Du Faur Creek Canyon – Joes Canyon Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=october-creek-canyondu-faurs-creek-canyonjoes-canyon When the heat of summer is upon us, where do you head? To a Blue Mountains canyon to cool off and revive body and soul! On this trip we will experience not 1 but 3 canyons with Du Faur Canyon being the main course. The equally spectacular, but much shorter October Creek being the entree, and the Joes Canyon the dessert for what promises to be a superb day swimming, paddling and savouring these amazingly beautiful locations. I can promise you an amazing aquatic time! You'll need a helmet, wetsuit and I recommend a flotation device such as a surfmat, and life jacket as there are some longish swims involved. Leader will arrange carpool. October Creek Canyon – Du Faur Creek Canyon – Joes Canyon NPA | Mark Goodson