Tahmoor Gorge

Tahmoor Gorge

23 Aug, Sun 9:30AM Tahmoor Gorge
Grade:4/6 Length 10km  ↑350m Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Fully Booked) Walk will be led by Mike McLeod. A circuit rugged walk (rather rocky) along the Bargo River and Tahmoor Gorge. We will do it slowly to take in and take photos of the beauty of the walk. Highlights: fantastic views of the Mermaid Pools. Wallaby, birds, majestic gum trees, Rock Orchids and possibly other orchids. Hazards: Some very steep and slippery parts. No touch sign on. Social distancing will be observed. Please bring hand sanitizer. Consider installing Covidsafe app.
Map: Bargo 90293N Limit:10.
From: 23 Aug 2020, 9:30AM 2020-08-23 09:30:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Tahmoor Gorge Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=tahmoore-gorge Walk will be led by Mike McLeod. A circuit rugged walk (rather rocky) along the Bargo River and Tahmoor Gorge. We will do it slowly to take in and take photos of the beauty of the walk. Highlights: fantastic views of the Mermaid Pools. Wallaby, birds, majestic gum trees, Rock Orchids and possibly other orchids. Car transport required. Meet at Tahmoor Station at 9:15 am Tahmoor Gorge NPA | Esther

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