Hat Hill Canyon

Hat Hill Canyon

25 Jan, Thu 5:40AM Hat Hill Canyon
Grade:5/6 Length 8km Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Canyon | A trip through a canyon (a gully surrounded by tall cliffs).Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longNo abseils but plenty of rock hopping and scrambling. A few short swims, so you need to be a competent swimmer. Meet at Hat Hill car park on Hat Hill Road and drive some cars to Godson Ave. Follow the track down to Hat Hill Creek. Put on wetsuits. Continue downstream to where Hat Hill Creek plunges into the Grose. Retrace upstream to the exit point. Change into dry clothes for the walk out. If we have time, we will visit the Aboriginal engravings and grinding grooves near the car park. Drive to the start of the walk to collect vehicles. Helmets are mandatory. Bring dry bags. Wetsuit or thermals depending on how you handle cold water. We will be in and out of the creek most of the day. About 8 km. Canyon Grade 2. Bushwalk Grade 5.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Mount Wilson 89301N Limit:8.
From: 25 Jan 2024, 5:40AM 2024-01-25 05:40:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Canyon and Walk, Hat Hill Canyon Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=hat-hill-canyon-8 No abseils but plenty of rock hopping and scrambling. A few short swims, so you need to be a competent swimmer. Meet at Hat Hill car park on Hat Hill Road and drive some cars to Godson Ave. Follow the track down to Hat Hill Creek. Put on wetsuits. Continue downstream to where Hat Hill Creek plunges into the Grose. Retrace upstream to the exit point. Change into dry clothes for the walk out. If we have time, we will visit the Aboriginal engravings and grinding grooves near the car park. Drive to the start of the walk to collect vehicles. Helmets are mandatory. Bring dry bags. Wetsuit or thermals depending on how you handle cold water. We will be in and out of the creek most of the day. About 8 km. Canyon Grade 2. Bushwalk Grade 5. Hat Hill Canyon NPA | Yuri Bolotin