Program listing

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Calendar View or list for Mar 25 | May 25 | May 25 | Jul 25 | Jul 25 | and beyond.
Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

9 Apr, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None
Location: Emu Plains View

14 May, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None
Location: Emu Plains View

11 Jun, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None.
Location: Emu Plains View

9 Jul, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None.
Location: Emu Plains View

13 Aug, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None.
Location: Emu Plains View

17 Sep, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None.
Location: Emu Plains View

8 Oct, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. None.
Location: Emu Plains View

31 Oct - 7 Nov, Fri-Fri Norfolk Island
Sydney Branch
Accommodation | An activity that involves an overnight stay, using hard-roofed accommodation such as a cabin, hut or hotel.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longOne spot (room) left for our Norfolk Island trip. Contact me if interested.
Location: Norfolk Island View

12 Nov, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-together
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. No Hazards.
Location: Emu Plains View

10 Dec, Wed 11:30AM Walkers get-togetther
Sydney Branch
Picnic | For a mostly static outdoor activity based around a picnicWant to stay in touch with walking friends without walking? Come and join us for a pleasant chat and lunch at O'Donohues Irish Pub, Emu Plains. No need to contact. No Hazards.
Location: Emu Plains View