The Alphabet series : “O”..Oatley to Mortdale

The Alphabet series : “O”..Oatley to Mortdale

17 Feb, Fri 9:30AM The Alphabet series : “O”..Oatley to Mortdale
Grade:3/6 Length 11km  ↑200m Sydney Branch
(SWAG) Esther
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long
Leader: Philip Wright
Oatley Park is not the usual suburban park.  It is full of surprises.  We'll start from Oatley train station. Walk along Mulga Road to Oatley Park. Have morning tea at The Castle. Walk down to the Jewfish Bay walk skirting Lime Kiln Head all the way to Lime Kiln Bay. Cross the bridge to the wooden boardwalk at the mangrove to The Wetlands. Climb to Oatley Bush Playground to Webster Lookout and walked back to Jewfish bay before walking back to Mortdale station. We might see  Orchids and wetlands inhabitants. The locals swear by the coffee shop at the station.  We meet at the coffee shop.  Come early if you want to join me for a cup of coffee.  After walk, there are options for lunch at Mortdale. Hazards: Steep and slippery sections
From: 17 Feb 2023, 9:30AM 2023-02-17 09:30:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, The Alphabet series : “O”..Oatley to Mortdale Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at
Leader: Philip Wright
Oatley Park is not the usual suburban park.  It is full of surprises.  We'll start from Oatley train station. Walk along Mulga Road to Oatley Park. Have morning tea at The Castle. Walk down to the Jewfish Bay walk skirting Lime Kiln Head all the way to Lime Kiln Bay. Cross the bridge to the wooden boardwalk at the mangrove to The Wetlands. Climb to Oatley Bush Playground to Webster Lookout and walked back to Jewfish bay before walking back to Mortdale station. We might see  Orchids and wetlands inhabitants. The locals swear by the coffee shop at the station.  We meet at the coffee shop.  Come early if you want to join me for a cup of coffee.  After walk, there are options for lunch at Mortdale. At 9:02 AM Take train from Redfern Stop ID: 2015142 arriving Oatley at 9:26 AM
The Alphabet series : “O”..Oatley to Mortdale NPA | Esther

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