Springwood to Faulconbridge

Springwood to Faulconbridge

31 Mar, Mon 8:46AM Springwood to Faulconbridge
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  ↑310m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(NEW!!!) Meet on station. Walk parts of Birdwood gully, then up to Tom Hunters park. Roads to the top of Peggy's pool. Descend to the wonderful Blue Gums in Burgessiana Reserve. A steep rough track up to Adelina fire trail. Tracks to Hillcrest Road. Return to Faulconbridge station. Hazards: Steep, rough, roads without footpaths
Location: Springwood
Map: Springwood 90304S Limit:15.
From: 31 Mar 2025, 8:46AM 2025-03-31 08:46:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Springwood to Faulconbridge Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=springwood-to-faulconbridge-3 Meet on station. Walk parts of Birdwood gully, then up to Tom Hunters park. Roads to the top of Peggy's pool. Descend to the wonderful Blue Gums in Burgessiana Reserve. A steep rough track up to Adelina fire trail. Tracks to Hillcrest Road. Return to Faulconbridge station. Springwood to Faulconbridge NPA | Janet Rannard