Hazelbrook to Woodford

Hazelbrook to Woodford

26 May, Mon 9:04AM Hazelbrook to Woodford
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  ↑490m Sydney Branch
Janet R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(NEW!!!) Meet on station. Walk Oaklands Road, Horseshoe Falls and Burgess Falls to Winbourne Road. Then tracks to Hazel, Edith and Mabel Falls. Up to the fire trail. Option of track to Ridge Street or straight back to Woodford station. Hazards: Steep, rough, edges
Location: Hazelbrook
Map: Katoomba 89301S Limit:15.
From: 26 May 2025, 9:04AM 2025-05-26 09:04:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Hazelbrook to Woodford Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=hazelbrook-to-woodford-3 Meet on station. Walk Oaklands Road, Horseshoe Falls and Burgess Falls to Winbourne Road. Then tracks to Hazel, Edith and Mabel Falls. Up to the fire trail. Option of track to Ridge Street or straight back to Woodford station. Hazelbrook to Woodford NPA | Janet Rannard