Scarborough to Otford

Scarborough to Otford

8 Aug, Mon Scarborough to Otford
Grade:4/6 Length 15km  ↑400m Illawarra Branch
Adrian J.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFully Vaccinated | All participants must be able to show proof they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to particpate.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Fully Booked) A walk with lots of variety. Starting from Scarborough Station, follow paths to Sea Cliff Bridge. A visit below the bridge might be possible. Continue along the coast and ascend track to Mt Mitchell stopping at various lookouts along the way. Follow tracks along the cliff top visiting Coalcliff Dam and Stanwell Tops. Cross road and follow  Princess Marina track to Kelly's Falls. Continue along tracks to Bulgo Knoll and end with an off track section to Otford Station. Hazards: Cliff edges, creek crossings, slippery conditions. Limit:15.
From: 8 Aug 2022 2022-08-08 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Scarborough to Otford Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at A walk with lots of variety. Starting from Scarborough Station, follow paths to Sea Cliff Bridge. A visit below the bridge might be possible. Continue along the coast and ascend track to Mt Mitchell stopping at various lookouts along the way. Follow tracks along the cliff top visiting Coalcliff Dam and Stanwell Tops. Cross road and follow  Princess Marina track to Kelly's Falls. Continue along tracks to Bulgo Knoll and end with an off track section to Otford Station. Meet at Scarborough Station. Scarborough to Otford NPA | Adrian Jones

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