Minnamurra to Kiama via Bombo and the Coastal Track

Minnamurra to Kiama via Bombo and the Coastal Track

11 Jan, Sat 8:30AM Minnamurra to Kiama via Bombo and the Coastal Track
Grade:2/6 Length 11km  ↑100m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long60 Best walks | This is one of the NPA's 60 best walks.First time friendly | A trip that is perfect for most new members (assuming you have a reasonable level of fitness)Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.This is one of my favourite coastal walks as there are tons of variety along the way, including several superb beaches to swim at, the incredible Cathedral Rocks to admire, and the dramatic Bombo Quarry area with its raging sea and towering rock columns to admire. Really, the perfect Summer walk!
Location: minnamurra
Map: Kiama 9028-1S Limit:20.
From: 11 Jan 2025, 8:30AM 2025-01-11 08:30:00 2025-01-11 14:30:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Swim and Walk, Minnamurra to Kiama via Bombo and the Coastal Track Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=minnamurra-to-kiama-via-bombo-and-the-coastal-track This is one of my favourite coastal walks as there are tons of variety along the way, including several superb beaches to swim at, the incredible Cathedral Rocks to admire, and the dramatic Bombo Quarry area with its raging sea and towering rock columns to admire. Really, the perfect Summer walk! Drive or get the train to Minnamurra and back from Kiama. Minnamurra to Kiama via Bombo and the Coastal Track NPA | Mark Goodson