Little Wobby – Wondabyne

Little Wobby – Wondabyne

3 Dec, Sun Little Wobby – Wondabyne
Grade:4/6 Length 21km  ↑700m Sydney Branch
Nicola L.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Brooklyn, ferry to Little Wobby, Rocky Ponds, side trip to the Icicles, GNW, Mt Wondabyne, Kariong Pool (for refreshing dip), Wondabyne Station. Hazards: Mostly good track (leader hasn't done the short sidetrip to the Icicles before and is told there is a good foot pad). Some fire trail which will feel very hot and exposed if the sun is out. Creek crossings. Gaiters highly recommended and must carry a high compression bandage in your first aid kit. Phone on the day of the walk only.
Location: Brisbane Water NP
From: 3 Dec 2017 2017-12-03 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Little Wobby – Wondabyne Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Brooklyn, ferry to Little Wobby, Rocky Ponds, side trip to the Icicles, GNW, Mt Wondabyne, Kariong Pool (for refreshing dip), Wondabyne Station. Little Wobby – Wondabyne NPA | Nicola Le Couteur

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