Helensburgh Circuit

Helensburgh Circuit

14 May, Wed 9:06AM Helensburgh Circuit
Grade:3/6 Length 8km Sydney Branch
Jenny R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(NEW!!!) Walk into Garawarra State Conservation Area from station. Mostly flat on bush tracks with q few ups and downs, creek crossing, rough sections, some muddy sections, minimal street walking. Finish early afternoon. Beautiful bushland. Walking poles may be helpful. Leader will meet you at Helensburgh Station. Bookings only from one week of date of walk please by email or text. Limit:12.
From: 14 May 2025, 9:06AM 2025-05-14 09:06:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Helensburgh Circuit Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=helensburgh-circuit-8 Walk into Garawarra State Conservation Area from station. Mostly flat on bush tracks with q few ups and downs, creek crossing, rough sections, some muddy sections, minimal street walking. Finish early afternoon. Beautiful bushland. Walking poles may be helpful. Leader will meet you at Helensburgh Station. Bookings only from one week of date of walk please by email or text. Take Eastern Suburbs/Illawarra train from Central Platform 25 at 8:13 am to Helensburgh. (ETA 9:06am) Note: travel in cars 3 - 8 as train longer than platform. Helensburgh Circuit NPA | Jennifer Recio
This is a newly submitted Walk is in waiting for review.