Egyptian Rock LO

Egyptian Rock LO

22 Jul, Sat 9:30AM Egyptian Rock LO
Grade:4/6 Length 10km  ↑220m Sydney Branch
Peter F.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longKangaroo Creek Valley - Peninsula between Lambs Ck and Kangaroo Ck – Egyptian Rock Lookout - Kangaroo Creek Valley – Return to cars. A beautiful walk on a peninsula and through a valley with ferns and forest surrounded by pagodas. Hazards: Fire Trail, tracks, off-track with mild scrub, creek crossing.
Location: Gardens of Stone SCA
Map: Cullen Bullen 89313N Limit:12.
From: 22 Jul 2023, 9:30AM 2023-07-22 09:30:43 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Egyptian Rock LO Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Kangaroo Creek Valley - Peninsula between Lambs Ck and Kangaroo Ck – Egyptian Rock Lookout - Kangaroo Creek Valley – Return to cars. A beautiful walk on a peninsula and through a valley with ferns and forest surrounded by pagodas. Egyptian Rock LO NPA | Peter Fox