Clifflines, pagodas, slots and passes North of Blackfellows Cave

Clifflines, pagodas, slots and passes North of Blackfellows Cave

3 May, Sat 8:00AM Clifflines, pagodas, slots and passes North of Blackfellows Cave
Grade:4/6 Length 7km  ↑200m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long60 Best walks | This is one of the NPA's 60 best walks.(NEW!!!) To the North of Blackfellows Cave is a small plateau which I've always wanted to explore. It is dissected by a couple of small creeks including Holy Grail ravine and populated by spectacular pagodas and of course wonderful views from the stunning clifflines which includes Last Crusade point. I had this trip planned last year but heavy rain made me cancel it so I'm keen to explore it in better weather hopefully! Hazards: rock scrambling and offtrack
Location: Gardens of Stone NP
Map: Cullen Bullen 89313N Limit:12.
From: 3 May 2025, 8:00AM 2025-05-03 08:00:00 2025-05-03 14:30:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Clifflines, pagodas, slots and passes North of Blackfellows Cave Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at To the North of Blackfellows Cave is a small plateau which I've always wanted to explore. It is dissected by a couple of small creeks including Holy Grail ravine and populated by spectacular pagodas and of course wonderful views from the stunning clifflines which includes Last Crusade point. I had this trip planned last year but heavy rain made me cancel it so I'm keen to explore it in better weather hopefully! leader will carpool Clifflines, pagodas, slots and passes North of Blackfellows Cave NPA | Mark Goodson