Program listing

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Calendar View or list for Feb 25 | Mar 25 | Apr 25 | May 25 | Jun 25 | and beyond.
Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

13 Jan, Mon 9:03AM Bedford Creek Pools
Grade:4/6 Length 13km  450m Sydney Branch
Allan P.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Fully Booked) Visit Adams Lookout before heading down to Bedford Pool. Cross Bedford Creek and explore beyond Lester Pool. Return back to Bedford Pool. Visit Terrace Falls and Victor Falls on the way back to Hazelbrook Station. Creek crossings could involve wading, as stepping stones tend to be slippery at Bedford Pool. Some off track.
Location: Hazelbrook
Map: Katoomba Limit: 15. View

13 Jan, Mon 8:35AM Cremorne Point to Clifton Gardens
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  200m Sydney Branch
Ian B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Updated Details) To book this walk, please advise by email or text message. Due to track closure, this walk will now commence at the Taronga Zoo Ferry Wharf. This is an undulating walk with some great harbour views. There are some section of steps to be traversed in places along the walk. Possible rough stairs, exposed tree roots on track and slippery sections on track.
Location: Sydney Harbour Foreshore National Park
Map: Sydney Heads 91302N Limit: 20. View

13 Jan, Mon 8:30AM Family walk and swim – around the Bogey Hole
Grade:1/6 Milton Branch
Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFamily | A trip that is planned to cater for children and their parents.Family activity that can be tailored to the children and the weather. We may walk a short loop around the Bogey Hole (about 2.5km) or a longer walk around the One Track for all (about 5km). Mid morning we plan to be back at the Bogey Hole for a water play and swim.  How far and where we go will depend on the age of the participants and on the weather.  Note: All children need to be accompanied by a parent/ grandparent/ guardian. Bring water, snacks, swim gear etc. We will leave the swim gear in the cars while we walk.  Meet: 8.30am at the Golfie Car Park
Location: Mollymook View