Wentworth Falls to Hazelbrook

Wentworth Falls to Hazelbrook

2 May, Mon 9:14AM Wentworth Falls to Hazelbrook
Grade:3/6 Length 15km  ↑400m Sydney Branch
Allan P.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Cancelled) Visit Kings Table Trig on way down to Wirraway Ridge. Walk to Aeroplane Hills near where a Wirraway on a training flight crashed in 1940. Not far away is a spur which takes us down to Bedford Creek. Visit Adams Lookout on way up to Hazelbrook Station. Hazards: A lot of road and fire trail to walk. Some steep sections. Possibility of wet feet at creek crossing.
Map: Katoomba 89301S and Jamison 89302N Limit:20.
From: 2 May 2022, 9:14AM 2022-05-02 09:14:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Wentworth Falls to Hazelbrook Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=wentworth-falls-to-hazelbrook Visit Kings Table Trig on way down to Wirraway Ridge. Walk to Aeroplane Hills near where a Wirraway on a training flight crashed in 1940. Not far away is a spur which takes us down to Bedford Creek. Visit Adams Lookout on way up to Hazelbrook Station. Catch 7:23am train from Central to Wentworth Falls ETA 9:14am. Meet leader on station. We walk directly to the Great Western Highway to catch the 690K bus at 9:17am which takes to near Kings Tableland Rd. Walk out to Queen Elizabeth Dr. Walking to Hazelbrook. Wentworth Falls to Hazelbrook NPA | Allan Porter

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