Two Spurs and Two Ravines South of Waratah Ridge

Two Spurs and Two Ravines South of Waratah Ridge

9 Mar, Sun 5:13AM Two Spurs and Two Ravines South of Waratah Ridge
Grade:5/6 Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(NEW!!!) Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park vehicles on a side road off Waratah Ridge Road at GR 455 010. Follow an old trail south till GR 468 009. Descend southwards on a pagoda-studded spur towards Bungleboori Creek, joining it at GR 471 995. Walk a short distance west and then up a canyon-like tributary to GR 469 999. Exit to the west and descend a pagoda spur to Bungleboori at GR 469 994. Move a short distance upstream and enter a canyon-like tributary coming from the west. Exit at GR 467 995, climb back to the trail and walk to the vehicles. Partly exploratory. Scrambling and exposure. About 10 km.
Location: Gardens of Stone SCA
Map: Wollangambe 89312S
From: 9 Mar 2025, 5:13AM 2025-03-09 05:13:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Two Spurs and Two Ravines South of Waratah Ridge Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park vehicles on a side road off Waratah Ridge Road at GR 455 010. Follow an old trail south till GR 468 009. Descend southwards on a pagoda-studded spur towards Bungleboori Creek, joining it at GR 471 995. Walk a short distance west and then up a canyon-like tributary to GR 469 999. Exit to the west and descend a pagoda spur to Bungleboori at GR 469 994. Move a short distance upstream and enter a canyon-like tributary coming from the west. Exit at GR 467 995, climb back to the trail and walk to the vehicles. Partly exploratory. Scrambling and exposure. About 10 km. Two Spurs and Two Ravines South of Waratah Ridge NPA | Yuri Bolotin
This is a newly submitted Walk is in waiting for review.