Two Ravines North of Fort Ridge

Two Ravines North of Fort Ridge

18 May, Sun 7:16AM Two Ravines North of Fort Ridge
Grade:5/6 Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(NEW!!!) Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park at around GR 224 317 on Glen Davis Road. Ascend to the top of Fort Ridge, then follow it north and descend into a ravine at GR 219 330. Explore the ravine upstream and climb out to Torbane Balcony at around GR 221 332. Walk to a promontory point at GR 219 331, then return to the balcony and continue south to about GR 222 330. Find a way down under the cliffs and explore the ravine to the south, finishing on Fort Ridge. On the way back, visit The Fort, if time permits. About 6 km. Scrambling and exposure. Partly exploratory.
Location: Mugii Murum-ban SCA
Map: Glen Alice 89314N and Ben Bullen 89314S
From: 18 May 2025, 7:16AM 2025-05-18 07:16:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Two Ravines North of Fort Ridge Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park at around GR 224 317 on Glen Davis Road. Ascend to the top of Fort Ridge, then follow it north and descend into a ravine at GR 219 330. Explore the ravine upstream and climb out to Torbane Balcony at around GR 221 332. Walk to a promontory point at GR 219 331, then return to the balcony and continue south to about GR 222 330. Find a way down under the cliffs and explore the ravine to the south, finishing on Fort Ridge. On the way back, visit The Fort, if time permits. About 6 km. Scrambling and exposure. Partly exploratory. Two Ravines North of Fort Ridge NPA | Yuri Bolotin
This is a newly submitted Walk is in waiting for review.