The Amazing Pagoda Maze

The Amazing Pagoda Maze

31 Jul, Sat The Amazing Pagoda Maze
Grade:5/6 Length 10km Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Cancelled) (Cancelled due to COVID stay at home orders) Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone region must be protected for future generations. Park the cars at GR 263 186 on Moffitts Trail. Walk to about GR 276 193 and climb north to explore several pagoda ridges, before crossing into Gardens of Stone NP to visit Palatine Rock and Tarpeian Rock with their spectacular views.  Then on to the amazing Pagoda Maze, best part of which is located in the State Forest and is therefore unprotected. About 10 km. Scrambling and exposure.
Location: Ben Bullen SF and Gardens of Stone NP
Map: Ben Bullen 89314S
From: 31 Jul 2021 2021-07-31 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, The Amazing Pagoda Maze Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at (Cancelled due to COVID stay at home orders) Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone region must be protected for future generations. Park the cars at GR 263 186 on Moffitts Trail. Walk to about GR 276 193 and climb north to explore several pagoda ridges, before crossing into Gardens of Stone NP to visit Palatine Rock and Tarpeian Rock with their spectacular views.  Then on to the amazing Pagoda Maze, best part of which is located in the State Forest and is therefore unprotected. About 10 km. Scrambling and exposure. The Amazing Pagoda Maze NPA | Yuri Bolotin

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