Tathra Headland – Boulder Bay

Tathra Headland – Boulder Bay

19 Mar, Sun 10:30AM Tathra Headland – Boulder Bay
Grade:4/6 Length 7km  ↑60m Far South Coast Branch
Gabrielle T.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSlow pace | A trip where the leader will set an easy pace.Walk is part of the Kangarutha Track and includes a section of the Wharf to Wharf Walk. Start at Tathra Headland and follow the coastline to Boulder Bay. Track winds through heathland, melaleucas and allocasuarinas, with a remnant patch of rainforest at Boulder Bay. Excellent views of Kianinny Bay en route. Hazards: Steep ascents/descents. Numerous steps.
Location: Bournda National Park
From: 19 Mar 2023, 10:30AM 2023-03-19 10:30:00 2023-03-19 15:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Tathra Headland – Boulder Bay Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=tathra-headland-boulder-bay Walk is part of the Kangarutha Track and includes a section of the Wharf to Wharf Walk. Start at Tathra Headland and follow the coastline to Boulder Bay. Track winds through heathland, melaleucas and allocasuarinas, with a remnant patch of rainforest at Boulder Bay. Excellent views of Kianinny Bay en route. Meet car park Tathra Headland (Tathra Point), Tathra. Tathra Headland – Boulder Bay NPA | Gabrielle Taysom