Strickland House, South Head and Watsons Bay

Strickland House, South Head and Watsons Bay

30 Jan, Thu 9:16AM Strickland House, South Head and Watsons Bay
Grade:3/6 Length 8km Sydney Branch
(Jean’s Group) Suzanne
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFirst time friendly | A trip that is perfect for most new members (assuming you have a reasonable level of fitness)Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Mostly (a few streets) along Sydney Harbour on the Heritage Foreshore Track which takes in scenic beaches and Sydney Harbour views, historic gun emplacements to the distinctive red and white striped Hornby Lighthouse. Hazards: Uneven surfaces and steps.
Location: Sydney Harbour
From: 30 Jan 2020, 9:16AM 2020-01-30 09:16:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Strickland House, South Head and Watsons Bay Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Mostly (a few streets) along Sydney Harbour on the Heritage Foreshore Track which takes in scenic beaches and Sydney Harbour views, historic gun emplacements to the distinctive red and white striped Hornby Lighthouse. Catch 8:57 bus # 325 from Edgecliff train/bus interchange, Stand D (top floor above the station) to Strickland House, Vaucluse Road, Vaucluse arriving at 9:16am. Meet at Edgecliff bus stop. Strickland House, South Head and Watsons Bay NPA | Suzanne Wicks

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