Helensburgh Medium Circuit

Helensburgh Medium Circuit

14 Nov, Tue 1:01AM Helensburgh Medium Circuit
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  ↑450m Illawarra Branch
Adrian J.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFrom Helensburgh Station follow a variety of tracks, some new routes, crossing the Hacking River a few times. We will start with a visit to the old Helensburgh Tip with good views of the Conservation Area and city views. Continue along the Red Cedar Loop and descend the Lilyvale Track to the Karingal Flats area. Cross Camp Creek and follow tracks back to Helensburgh. Excellent Track walking in some pristine areas rarely walked. Hazards: River crossings; loose, slippery sections.
Location: Garawarra SCA and Southern RNP Limit:15.
From: 14 Nov 2023, 1:01AM 2023-11-14 01:01:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Helensburgh Medium Circuit Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=helensburgh-medium-circuit From Helensburgh Station follow a variety of tracks, some new routes, crossing the Hacking River a few times. We will start with a visit to the old Helensburgh Tip with good views of the Conservation Area and city views. Continue along the Red Cedar Loop and descend the Lilyvale Track to the Karingal Flats area. Cross Camp Creek and follow tracks back to Helensburgh. Excellent Track walking in some pristine areas rarely walked. Contact leader for meeting time Helensburgh Medium Circuit NPA | Adrian Jones