Helensburgh Long Circuit, Route 1

Helensburgh Long Circuit, Route 1

29 Apr, Wed Helensburgh Long Circuit, Route 1
Grade:3/6 Length 18km  ↑440m Illawarra Branch
Adrian J.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Cancelled) Commencing with a short steep climb from the station followed with a 210m gradual descent on a variety of un-named tracks to the Hacking River. After a break, cross the river and ascend on the Burgh Track 220m, to Garawarra Farm. Follow the Cliff Track and descend 190m on the Lilyvale Track. Locate and follow the Karingal and Red Cedar Tracks to again cross the Hacking. We then follow the Hacking River fire trail and ascend a steep off-track section to pick up various tracks back to the station. Hazards: Cliff edges, river crossings.
Location: Garrawarra State Conservation Area and Royal NP
Map: Appin 90291S and Otford 91294S
From: 29 Apr 2020 2020-04-29 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Helensburgh Long Circuit, Route 1 Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=helensburgh-long-circuit-route-1 Commencing with a short steep climb from the station followed with a 210m gradual descent on a variety of un-named tracks to the Hacking River. After a break, cross the river and ascend on the Burgh Track 220m, to Garawarra Farm. Follow the Cliff Track and descend 190m on the Lilyvale Track. Locate and follow the Karingal and Red Cedar Tracks to again cross the Hacking. We then follow the Hacking River fire trail and ascend a steep off-track section to pick up various tracks back to the station. Helensburgh Long Circuit, Route 1 NPA | Adrian Jones

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