Hawkesbury River (Brooklyn) Christmas

Hawkesbury River (Brooklyn) Christmas

18 Dec, Mon 9:47AM Hawkesbury River (Brooklyn) Christmas
Grade:2/6 Length 5km  ↑40m Sydney Branch
John H.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Social | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.Our walking group Christmas party, open to anyone who has walked with us this year. We are exploring Brooklyn before adjourning to the Anglers Rest for lunch. Booking essential, at least one week before. Lunch is at your own expense. Hazards: Sunburn and tree roots. Some stairs. Limit:20.
From: 18 Dec 2023, 9:47AM 2023-12-18 09:47:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Hawkesbury River (Brooklyn) Christmas Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=hawkesbury-river-brooklyn-christmas Our walking group Christmas party, open to anyone who has walked with us this year. We are exploring Brooklyn before adjourning to the Anglers Rest for lunch. Booking essential, at least one week before. Lunch is at your own expense. Catch the 8:45 am Newcastle Train from Central to Hawkesbury River. Meet leader on Hawkesbury River Station. Hawkesbury River (Brooklyn) Christmas NPA | John Hain