Gullies South of Bowen Hill

Gullies South of Bowen Hill

17 Jul, Wed 6:53AM Gullies South of Bowen Hill
Grade:5/6 Sydney Branch
Yuri B.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPark at the locked gate on Bowen Hill Trail and walk 0.5 km on the trail till GR 694 968. Descend into a gully to the east and explore it all the way down to Blacksmiths Creek. Return via a tributary of the same gully to the north. Exploratory. About 8 km. Scrambling and exposure.
Location: Wollemi NP
Map: Mountain Lagoon 90313S
From: 17 Jul 2024, 6:53AM 2024-07-17 06:53:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Gullies South of Bowen Hill Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Park at the locked gate on Bowen Hill Trail and walk 0.5 km on the trail till GR 694 968. Descend into a gully to the east and explore it all the way down to Blacksmiths Creek. Return via a tributary of the same gully to the north. Exploratory. About 8 km. Scrambling and exposure. Gullies South of Bowen Hill NPA | Yuri Bolotin