Great South West Walk, Victoria

Great South West Walk, Victoria

8-20 Sep, Sun (03:00AM)-Fri (10:00AM) Great South West Walk, Victoria
Grade:3/6 Length 13km Sydney Branch
Tony T.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(Fully Booked) Eleven days of walking on sections of the Great South Western Walk, based firstly at Portland and later transferring to Nelson. Accommodation in cabins in caravan parks. The walk traverses national, state and coastal parks, state forests, roads, road reserves and private land. Coastal, cliff-line and hinterland walks of varying surface difficulty. Ref: Hazards: Some rough sections of track. Possible wet and muddy in places.
Location: Mt Richmond NP and Cobboboonee Forest Park Limit:20.
From: 8-20 Sep 2024, Sun (03:00AM)-Fri (10:00AM) 2024-09-08 03:00:00 2024-09-20 10:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Great South West Walk, Victoria Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Eleven days of walking on sections of the Great South Western Walk, based firstly at Portland and later transferring to Nelson. Accommodation in cabins in caravan parks. The walk traverses national, state and coastal parks, state forests, roads, road reserves and private land. Coastal, cliff-line and hinterland walks of varying surface difficulty. Ref: Make own transport arrangements to arrive in Portland for 6.00pm briefing. Vehicles need to be available for shuttles as required. Great South West Walk, Victoria NPA | Tony Tenney