Castle Cove to Castlecrag

Castle Cove to Castlecrag

15 Jul, Mon 10:00AM Castle Cove to Castlecrag
Grade:3/6 Length 10km  ↑250m Sydney Branch
Sophie A.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(NEW!!!) Sophie is running this lovely bushwalk with water views on behalf of John Hain. There is a variety of tracks and fire trails that make up this an interesting walk with great views. There is NO need to book so turn up and go. Hazards: There is some street walking, lots of steps and uneven, possibly muddy bush tracks. Some creek crossings.
Location: Northern Suburbs
Map: Parramatta River 91303N Limit:20.
From: 15 Jul 2024, 10:00AM 2024-07-15 10:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Castle Cove to Castlecrag Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Sophie is running this lovely bushwalk with water views on behalf of John Hain. There is a variety of tracks and fire trails that make up this an interesting walk with great views. There is NO need to book so turn up and go. Catch the 277 Bus from Stand C near Chatswood Station at 10:05 am. (Turn left outside Chatswood Station to orchard Street.) Eta 10:20 am at Padulla Place. Meet leader at the Chatswood Station bus stop. Castle Cove to Castlecrag NPA | Sophie Astrinos