Barrington Tops NP

Barrington Tops NP

1 Apr, Sat Barrington Tops NP
Grade:4/6 Length 22km  ↑900m Central Coast Branch
Michael H.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long60 Best walks | This is one of the NPA's 60 best walks.Day walk all on established management trail. Lagoon Pinch to Careys Peak and return following the Corker Trail through sub-tropical and warm temperate rainforest, Atlantic Beech forest and finally Snow Gum woodland. Rewarded, if clear, with magnificent views at the peak. Two historic buildings en route. Joint walk with The Bush Club. Map: Barrington Best Walk: Lagoon Pinch to Careys Peak
From: 1 Apr 2017 2017-04-01 09:00:00 2017-04-01 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Barrington Tops NP Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Day walk all on established management trail. Lagoon Pinch to Careys Peak and return following the Corker Trail through sub-tropical and warm temperate rainforest, Atlantic Beech forest and finally Snow Gum woodland. Rewarded, if clear, with magnificent views at the peak. Two historic buildings en route. Joint walk with The Bush Club. Barrington Tops NP NPA | Michael Henderson