Ahearns Lookout

Ahearns Lookout

28 Aug, Tue 9:30AM Ahearns Lookout
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  ↑500m Southern Highlands Branch
Joan L.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longAherns Lookout is found by following the beginning of Starlights Track. Take a left fork leading to Rocky Waterholes Lookout and just past this junction look for a right turn which meanders along the ridge to Aherns Lookout. This gives views over the Nattai with Mt Jellore easily identified. Return by the same route. Hazards: Rough track, fallen trees and unfenced cliffs.
Location: Nattai NP
Map: Hilltop 8929-2N Limit:20.
From: 28 Aug 2018, 9:30AM 2018-08-28 09:30:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Ahearns Lookout Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=nattai-np-8 Aherns Lookout is found by following the beginning of Starlights Track. Take a left fork leading to Rocky Waterholes Lookout and just past this junction look for a right turn which meanders along the ridge to Aherns Lookout. This gives views over the Nattai with Mt Jellore easily identified. Return by the same route. Contact leader for details. Ahearns Lookout NPA | Joan Lowe