Program listing

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Calendar View or list for Jul 24 | Aug 24 | Sep 24 | Oct 24 | Nov 24 | and beyond.
Leader contact details and activity meeting details are hiden. Members please log in for full details.

27 Jul, Sat 10:00AM Hidden Gem and Coal Waste in Royal NP
Grade:4/6 Southern Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longEducational | A trip where the leader will focus on teaching or training.Hosted by Sutherland Shire Environment Centre. Walks will be in the RNP near the headwaters of the Hacking River which drains off the Illawarra escarpment. The infamous Peabody Metropolitan Colliery is located further up Camp Gully Creek. The mine has illegally discharged coal waste material into these waterways on numerous occasions in recent years. If you’re curious about the ongoing impacts on the ecosystem downstream, this is a good opportunity to see the evidence for yourself. Registration essential. Creek crossings. Wet feet.
Location: Royal NP View

27 Jul, Sat 8:30AM Jibbon Loop and Fishermen’s Cave
Grade:3/6 Length 9km Southern Sydney Branch
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(NEW!!!) We'll start from Cronulla Wharf to catch the 8.30 ferry to Bundeena. We'll be walking along the coast and drop by Aboriginal Rock Carvings at Jibbon Head and continue to walk along the coast to The Balconies. We'll do a little detour and walk along the narrow footpath to the cave (caves) that might be used during the Great Depression or as some people suggest, a cave for the fishermen. If the majority would like to stay longer for whale watching at the Balconies, we can do that as well. And we'll walk back to Bundeena wharf to catch the ferry back to Cronulla. Some rock hopping, slippery and mossy parts, some loose rock, uneven path and muddy parts and unclear overgrown parts. There might be a little exposure to the cave.
Location: RNP Limit: 8. View

29 Jul, Mon 9:00AM Wises Track
Grade:3/6 Length 3km  250m Southern Sydney Branch
Brian E.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPhotography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.(NEW!!!) A nice, varied ridge walk with potential for lots of early season wildflowers and birds. The end point is a delightful rocky outcrop before we turn around and head back for a coffee at Audley.
Location: Royal National Park Limit: 8. View

12-22 Mar, Wed (13:47PM)-Sat (00:00AM) Overland Track plus side trips
Grade:5/6 Length 125km Southern Sydney Branch
Bob C.
Accommodation | An activity that involves an overnight stay, using hard-roofed accommodation such as a cabin, hut or hotel.Camp | An activity that involves an overnight stay, usually in a tent.Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longSocial | A trip where people will be encouraged to interact and chat with each other.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) Overland track walk. Starting at Cradle Mountain and walking through to Cynthia Bay. Planning to do as many side trips as possible dependent upon weather. Side trips include Cradle Mountain, Barn Bluff, Mount Oakleigh, Mount Ossa, Hartnett Falls, an additional 2 nights in Pine Valley, Mount Acropolis, and Labyrinth. Will need to pay for airfares, bus to and from track, one night accommodation at Launceston, one night accommodation at Cynthia Bay and one or two nights accommodation at Hobart. Need to pay for Overland Track Pass and Tasmania walking pass. Will need to be reasonably fit as we will be walking at a good pace to fit in the side trips. Previous pack hiking experience required. Even though there are huts all the way, still required to carry a tent, quality sleeping bag, sleeping mat, cooking gear, and food for 8 days. Steep ascent with full pack day one. The weather. Rocky, scrambling. Some exposure. Long distance.
Location: Tasmania
Map: Cradle Mountain~Lake StClair national park Map Published by Tasmap and highly recommended. Limit: 12. View