Silica Ridge Circuit

Silica Ridge Circuit

23 Apr, Wed 9:00AM Silica Ridge Circuit
Grade:3/6 Length 10km Milton Branch
Kevin R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longCafe | A trip that involves a relaxed stop at a cafe.(NEW!!!) From Narrawallee Creek Road carpark we follow the fire trail to Buckleys Head. We then head north along the beach before turning inland and returning to the cars via the historic Silica Ridge trail. Silica was mined here early last century and transported via a tramway south across Narrawallee inlet. Coffee in Conjola afterwards. Contact leader essential for time and details.....subject to change.
Location: Narrawallee Creek NR Limit:20.
From: 23 Apr 2025, 9:00AM 2025-04-23 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Silica Ridge Circuit Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at From Narrawallee Creek Road carpark we follow the fire trail to Buckleys Head. We then head north along the beach before turning inland and returning to the cars via the historic Silica Ridge trail. Silica was mined here early last century and transported via a tramway south across Narrawallee inlet. Coffee in Conjola afterwards. Contact leader essential for time and details.....subject to change. Mick Ryan Reserve, 9 am. Meet leader at 9.15 am at the corner of Conjola Entrance Road and Narrawallee Creek Road. Travel: 24 km return Silica Ridge Circuit NPA | Kevin Richards