Ahearns Lookout
28 Aug, Tue 9:30AM | Ahearns Lookout | ||||
Grade:3/6 | Length | 12km | ↑500m | Southern Highlands Branch | |
Joan L. | |||||
Aherns Lookout is found by following the beginning of Starlights Track. Take a left fork leading to Rocky Waterholes Lookout and just past this junction look for a right turn which meanders along the ridge to Aherns Lookout. This gives views over the Nattai with Mt Jellore easily identified. Return by the same route. Hazards: Rough track, fallen trees and unfenced cliffs. Location: Nattai NP Map: Hilltop 8929-2N Limit:20. T: From: 28 Aug 2018, 9:30AM |