Gadara Point, Morton NP

Gadara Point, Morton NP

12 Mar, Sun Gadara Point, Morton NP
Grade:3/6 Length 12km  ↑100m Milton Branch
Evelyn M.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long60 Best walks | This is one of the NPA's 60 best walks.From Bushwalker car park walk to Mt Bushwalker and on to Gadara Point. Some of the best views in the Budawangs! (Optional Grade 4 extension: descend pass to base of cliff, visit spectacular overhang, return via Boulder Pass to lookout for lunch on top. The less adventurous have a long lunch at the lookout). Hazards: Cliff Edges. This is Walk 32 of the Best Walks. Map: Milton, Tianjara 1:25,000
T: Best Walk: Mt Bushwalker
From: 12 Mar 2017 2017-03-12 09:00:00 2017-03-12 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Gadara Point, Morton NP Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at From Bushwalker car park walk to Mt Bushwalker and on to Gadara Point. Some of the best views in the Budawangs! (Optional Grade 4 extension: descend pass to base of cliff, visit spectacular overhang, return via Boulder Pass to lookout for lunch on top. The less adventurous have a long lunch at the lookout). Meet at Mick Ryan Reserve Milton 9am. Gadara Point, Morton NP NPA | Evelyn May