Exploratory walk Stanwell Park to Coalcliff

Exploratory walk Stanwell Park to Coalcliff

25 Jun, Sat Exploratory walk Stanwell Park to Coalcliff
Grade:2/6 Length 8km Macarthur Branch
Lyn C
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFully Vaccinated | All participants must be able to show proof they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to particpate.Public Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.Distance (estimated) 8km approx. Moderate pace. Ocean views. This walk is exploratory, has only been partly pre walked months ago. We will have morning tea at Stanwell Park Beach Reserve, then have approximately an hour to explore the reserve and Stanwell Park beach area and make our way to the bus stop. Bus and walk to Coalcliff Beach where we hope to find our way to explore the rock platforms near Coalcliff Harbour which can be seen when crossing the Sea Cliff Bridge. Time permitting we will walk across the Sea Cliff Bridge and catch a bus from Scarborough to Thirroul for train return home. Somewhere along the way we will have a lunch break. Ups and downs, steps, sand walking (possibly but hopefully not wet feet), some unformed and uneven tracks, may be muddy and slippery. If anyone has knowledge of the area between Coalcliff Beach and the rock platforms at Coalcliff Harbour, email advice would be appreciated. We’re familiar with all the areas except how to access the rock platforms. Current forecast is for sun, gentle wind, low tide and low swell. Limit:12.
From: 25 Jun 2022 2022-06-25 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Exploratory walk Stanwell Park to Coalcliff Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at https://bushwalk.npansw.org.au/?activities=exploratory-walk-stanwell-park-to-coalcliff Distance (estimated) 8km approx. Moderate pace. Ocean views. This walk is exploratory, has only been partly pre walked months ago. We will have morning tea at Stanwell Park Beach Reserve, then have approximately an hour to explore the reserve and Stanwell Park beach area and make our way to the bus stop. Bus and walk to Coalcliff Beach where we hope to find our way to explore the rock platforms near Coalcliff Harbour which can be seen when crossing the Sea Cliff Bridge. Time permitting we will walk across the Sea Cliff Bridge and catch a bus from Scarborough to Thirroul for train return home. Somewhere along the way we will have a lunch break. Ups and downs, steps, sand walking (possibly but hopefully not wet feet), some unformed and uneven tracks, may be muddy and slippery. If anyone has knowledge of the area between Coalcliff Beach and the rock platforms at Coalcliff Harbour, email advice would be appreciated. We’re familiar with all the areas except how to access the rock platforms. Current forecast is for sun, gentle wind, low tide and low swell. Public transport. Car parking available at Stanwell Park but public transport would be required to return to car at the end of the walk. Meeting place and time will be advised on email inquiry/booking. Exploratory walk Stanwell Park to Coalcliff NPA | Lyn C

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