Clyde Gorge

Clyde Gorge

15-17 Jan, Mon-Wed Clyde Gorge
Grade:3/6 Milton Branch
Kevin R.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longCamp | An activity that involves an overnight stay, usually in a tent.Swim | A trip that involves swimmingCampfire camaraderie, swimming. Day 1: Walk from Bhundoo Cottages up Clyde River (2 river crossings) and set up camp. Day 2: Optional day walk from base camp. Day 3: Break camp and return to vehicles. Walk distance: 7 km each way. Contact leader essential.
Map: Corang 89273N Limit:8.
From: 15-17 Jan 2018, Mon-Wed 2018-01-15 09:00:00 2018-01-17 09:00:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Camp, and Swim, Clyde Gorge Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at Campfire camaraderie, swimming. Day 1: Walk from Bhundoo Cottages up Clyde River (2 river crossings) and set up camp. Day 2: Optional day walk from base camp. Day 3: Break camp and return to vehicles. Walk distance: 7 km each way. Contact leader essential. Meet at Bhundoo Cottages gate at 9am. Travel: 70km. Clyde Gorge NPA | Kevin Richards

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