Blue Mountain Creek and Track

Blue Mountain Creek and Track

21 Sep, Sat 9:10AM Blue Mountain Creek and Track
Grade:5/6 Length 12km  ↑500m Southern Sydney Branch
Paul L.
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longPublic Transport | There are public transport options to and from this activity.(Fully Booked - Ask leader about waiting list) This walk came from having walked to the end of two tracks at the end of fire trails, then looking at a map and seeing how close they are with a creek in between. Blue Mountain Creek is joined by following Kent Street Fire trail to its end, then following the spur down to the confluence of Blue Mountain Creek with the creek from Empire Pass Track. Continuing down the creek with multiple crossings and wet feet to the confluence with a creek from Amphitheatre Falls. Explore the canyon and unnamed falls. Exit the creek valley by a series of passes through the sandstone cliff line and up the spur to the end of Blue Mountain Track. Track joins North Lawson Fire trail and then heads back to Lawson. Blue Mountain Creek is lined with lush rainforest and ferns and is seldom visited. No track through this section. Hazards: Creek crossings and off-track sections. Wet and slippery rocks. Exposed rock faces.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Katoomba 89301S Limit:12.
From: 21 Sep 2024, 9:10AM 2024-09-21 09:10:00 Australia/Sydney NPA Walk, Blue Mountain Creek and Track Please check and update times and meeting location. Get latest information at This walk came from having walked to the end of two tracks at the end of fire trails, then looking at a map and seeing how close they are with a creek in between. Blue Mountain Creek is joined by following Kent Street Fire trail to its end, then following the spur down to the confluence of Blue Mountain Creek with the creek from Empire Pass Track. Continuing down the creek with multiple crossings and wet feet to the confluence with a creek from Amphitheatre Falls. Explore the canyon and unnamed falls. Exit the creek valley by a series of passes through the sandstone cliff line and up the spur to the end of Blue Mountain Track. Track joins North Lawson Fire trail and then heads back to Lawson. Blue Mountain Creek is lined with lush rainforest and ferns and is seldom visited. No track through this section. Train from Central at 7:23 am arrive Lawson 9:03 am. Blue Mountain Creek and Track NPA | Paul Lynch
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