Program listing

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16 Nov, Sat 8:00AM Crayfish Creek Canyon – Burramoko Hill
Grade:4/6 Length 8km  200m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Canyon | A trip through a canyon (a gully surrounded by tall cliffs).Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longFrom the heights of Burramoko Ridge we will descend into a world of coolness and calm! The stunning Crayfish Canyon is worth exploring and of course having a swim along the way is always on the agenda! I plan to explore any interesting side gullies and no doubt we will encounter the odd waterfall and cascade along the way. Rock hopping and off-track.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Mt Wilson Limit: 12. View

30 Nov, Sat 8:00PM The Grand Canyon by night. Neates Glen to Evans Lookout
Grade:2/6 Length 6km  300m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Canyon | A trip through a canyon (a gully surrounded by tall cliffs).Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longEducational | A trip where the leader will focus on teaching or training.Photography | A trip that has a strong focus on encouraging people to capture photographs.Slow pace | A trip where the leader will set an easy pace.(Fully Booked) Most people have walked the famous Grand Canyon in the daytime, but have you ever experienced it at night? Why would you want to do this you may well ask! Well, for starter,s you'll see an incredible display of glowworms that make the Glowworm Tunnel pale into insignificance. If lucky, you may also see glider possums, frogs, crayfish, bats and other denizens of the night. The one thing you won't see is the usual crowds that frequent the Grand Canyon in the daytime. Last time I did this walk we only encountered a couple of people. Bring a torch.
Location: Blue Mountains National Park
Map: Katoomba 89301S Limit: 20. View

14 Dec, Sat 7:30AM October Creek Canyon – Du Faur Creek Canyon – Joes Canyon
Grade:4/6 Length 13km  300m Sydney Branch
Mark G.
Canyon | A trip through a canyon (a gully surrounded by tall cliffs).Swim | A trip that involves swimmingWalk | A bushwalk of any kind short or long(NEW!!!) When the heat of summer is upon us, where do you head? To a Blue Mountains canyon to cool off and revive body and soul! On this trip we will experience not 1 but 3 canyons with Du Faur Canyon being the main course. The equally spectacular, but much shorter October Creek being the entree, and the Joes Canyon the dessert for what promises to be a superb day swimming, paddling and savouring these amazingly beautiful locations. I can promise you an amazing aquatic time! You'll need a helmet, wetsuit and I recommend a flotation device such as a surfmat, and life jacket as there are some longish swims involved. Rock scrambling/off-track walking/swimming.
Location: Blue Mountains NP
Map: Mt Wilson Limit: 12. View