Program listing

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15 Apr, Tue 9:30AM Spring Hill Fire Trail (#725)
Fully inside Wingecarribee Shire Council
Grade:3/6 Length 14km  350m Southern Highlands Branch
(SH Tuesday Walks) Margie
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longAn attractive, undulating (sometimes steep) walk meandering through interesting rocky outcrops with glimpses of Mt Jellore across the valley, culminating with a spectacular view of the Nattai Valley. Walking pole(s) advised for some steep, loose sections of the fire trail. Rough fire trail and unfenced cliff edges.
Location: Jellore State Forest
Map: Mittagong 8929-2S Limit: 20. View

22 Apr, Tue 9:30AM Mt Jellore (#730)
Fully inside Wingecarribee Shire Council
Grade:4/6 Length 9km  400m Southern Highlands Branch
(SH Tuesday Walks) Margie
Walk | A bushwalk of any kind short or longA fairly short but steep climb to Mt Jellore. Access to the start of this walk requires passing through private land and locked gates.  Permission and access has been granted by the land owners on this occasion. Steep climb outward bound and steep descent on return. Loose rocks.
Location: Jellore NP
Map: Mittagong 8929-2S Limit: 20. View